Pipelines to run STRUCTURE using multiple front-ends (CLUMPAK+StrAuto, Structure_threader)

Primary LanguageShell

Table of Contents


This repository contains three pipelines with scripts to run locally several types of STRUCTURE analysis :

  • Pipeline CLUMPAK analysis of STRUCTURE results produced by StrAuto and generate distruct figures.
  • Pipeline Structure_threader with fastStructure
  • Pipeline fastStructure with Docker

General Installation

git clone https://github.com/hernanmd/STRUCTUREPipelines.git
cd runstructure

Pipeline CLUMPAK(StrAuto) + distruct


  • STRUCTURE input file (.str).
    • The default name used in the configuration files is project_data.str
  • StrAuto results should be already available in a .zip file
    • The results should be zipped into a single .zip file.
    • Default name is stresults.zip, with the following structure:


  • Put your StrAuto results into a subdirectory
  • Edit environment variables in the file rsEnvVars.sh

Download CLUMPAK


Run Main Pipeline (CLUMPAK)

  • The runStrClumpak script performs the following actions:
    • Read environment variables in rsEnvVars.sh as parameters.
    • Create the output directory.
    • Build the populations file.
    • Run the CLUMPAK Perl script

Run Distruct for many Ks

  • The following script perform the following actions:
    • Read environment variables as parameters.
    • Create the output directory.
    • Build the populations file.
    • Run DistructForManyKs perl script

Pipeline Structure_threader




To use this pipeline you should have your input files both in PED/MAP format (to generate the populations file) and in BED/BIM/FAM format (required by fastSTRUCTURE). ALSO the structure input file, which could be generated from PLINK using the "--recode structure" option. It is highly recommended to put the input files in a separate subdirectory. The output directory will be created if not already present.

Create a "popfile"

# Create the required popfile from the PED file. 
# The first parameter should be a PED file name which should be specified WITHOUT the .ped extension
# The second parameter should be the species name (as understood by PLINK): cow, horse, etc.
# The output is a new file named "popfile" suitable for Structure_threader plots
./mkPopFile ../STRUCTURE_PIPrun/project_input/file species

Edit the "mainparams" and optionally the "extraparams" file

  • If you have not mainparams and extraparams files in your input directory, then run the ./runFsStrThreader.sh script to generate a template version of both files.
  • Edit with your favorite editor: nano project_input/mainparams

Run analysis

To run Structure_threader you must specify the following parameters

  • 1st parameter is the DIRECTORY where input files are located
  • 2nd parameter is the BED file (using PED is not valid for now)
  • 3rd parameter is the DIRECTORY where output will be written
  • 4th parameter is the name of the popfile generated with mkPopFile script.
  • 5th parameter is the number of maximum K:


 ./runFsStrThreader.sh project_input/ file.bed project_output/ popfile 24

The Structure_threader already generates a plots subdirectory with HTML/SVG paired files into the output directory, however this script will also generate a "Comparative Plots" in a comparativePlotAllKs directory

Pipeline fastSTRUCTURE with Docker


Install Docker Under Windows: Launch MSYS2 Under Linux/OSX: Launch Terminal Fetch fastStructure docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/dockerbiotools/faststructure

docker pull dockerbiotools/faststructure

Run image under Windows MSYS2 or WSL

# Get the image id from the following command
docker images
# Make a directory for your dataset
mkdir data # Or whatever your population name is
# Install the winpty package if necessary
# pacman -Ss winpty (or apt get winpty)
# Run the image
winpty docker run -it -v /${PWD}/data/:/fastStructure/data 6ca

Run image under Linux/OSX

# Get the image id from the following command
docker images
# Run the image
docker run -it -v /${PWD}/data/:/fastStructure/data 6ca