更優質的選課網站 | A new site for NCKU course enrollment

Primary LanguageJava

Logo NCKU++

A new site for NCKU course enrollment

API Documentation

API endpoint

Response Object

    "success": boolean
    "data": {}|null
    "msg": string
    "code": int
    "err": [string]
    "warn": [string]
GET /search Search course data
name type data type description
courseName optional string Course name
instructor optional string Instructor name
dayOfWeek optional int[] Day of week [0~6]
dept optional string Department ID
grade optional string Course for grade
section optional int[] Section of day [0~15]
serial optional UrlEncode Serial IDs {DEPT_ID}={SERIAL},{SERIAL}&{DEPT_ID}={SERIAL}


Multiple dayOfWeek will make response time longer and likely to cause network error

GET /alldept Get all department ID
GET /nckuhub Get NCKU HUB data
name type data type description
id optional string Course serial ID

Give id and return NCKU HUB rating and comments If no id provide, return available CourseSerialID

GET /login Check login state
name type data type description
mode require string Login mode, legal value: course, stuId
course: Course NCKU
stuId: StudentIdentification
POST /login Login
name type data type description
mode require string Login mode, legal value: course, stuId
course: Course NCKU
stuId: StudentIdentification

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

GET /courseSchedule Get course schedule
name type data type description
pre optional boolean If pre equals true, return pre-schedule
GET /v0/socket Notify system api