bioacoustics package: detect and extract automatically acoustic features in audio recordings
- afrizaloky@ghiscure
- ajcanepaUniversity of Burgos
- arnoldandreassonGothenburg, Sweden
- bgcaseyUniversity of Alberta
- BrianEReichert@USGS
- cecileherrBrussels, Belgium
- chrmue44Germany
- chuvananVPBank
- clederOomnitza
- DadoTouterelle
- davidmichalletCEN Isère
- dlizcano@SCMas
- DPonirakisCornell University
- fabianekfrancoisQuebec, Canada
- franchb
- ip2kSan Francisco, CA
- jemus42@bips-hb // @slds-lmu
- jkauphusPhoenix, AZ
- johnfryeBoise, ID
- kaelanbToronto
- katlilly
- Leo-Lee15China
- margusltTallinn, Estonia
- mdsumnerIntegrated Digital East Antarctica, Australian Antarctic Division
- mikeyEcologyQuantitative Science Consulting, LLC
- paddygoat
- pecardwww.bioinsight.pt
- ppriedeMinistry of the Environment (Chile)
- riggsd@nationalparkservice
- robinsandfortcapreolus e.U. and micromacro
- samhernimanGöttingen, Germany
- sirrushooUSA
- statist-bhfzKiev
- VerOh-MCB
- ygc2l
- zkkandrew