
Galdule's Fate Game

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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This game was originally intended to be an open-source cross-platform hybrid between terraria and runescape. However, new ideas are welcome!

You can contact me at jimsu2012@gmail.com.


The programming may be really bad. I've tried my best as a high school student who is entirely self-taught. I've run out of time to work on it, as the school year is starting soon and I will have lots of AP classes and extracirriculars to worry about.

I would be really glad for anybody who helps out with anything in the game. I've worked on it for over a month (I added git later) and I really don't want it to die.

What should be done on the Game

List at the bottom

Here I will describe what I intended to do with the game. I would be really grateful for anybody who implements them or adds anything new.

Right now, when you run the application, you get a title screen with three buttons, of which only "play game" works. I intended to create the multiplayer networking code with Kryonet, though I didn't get to that.

When you play, start out with an axe, a pickaxe, a bow, and some arrows. The bow and arrows are only there for testing purposes. There are some empty buttons at the top, which are meant to correspond to abilities (like in runescape!). The blank button to the left of the pickaxe is supposed to have an inventory (backpack) image , but I don't have time now to put that there either. There are supposed to be armor and stats buttons right below it.

The sliders on the left correspond to health and mana. Mana is supposed to be consumed every time you use an ability and regenerate.

The bow is supposed to be made with wood and string that you get from a spider.

To do list:

  1. Add backpack texture for inventory button
  2. Add spider
  3. Add abilities
  4. Add skill levels

... Add multiplayer later


You can mine the copper ore with the pickaxe by holding it. Same with the tree for an axe. The copper ore can then be smelted into copper bars. The copper bars and wood can be converted into tools with the anvil.

You can make a campfire with the wood using the workbench, which you can then place anywhere (this should probably be changed, which you will see after placing it). Killing cows and pigs yields meat, which can be cooked with the campfire.

Arrows can be shot by selecting the bow and clicking/tapping anywhere on the screen.