
Dotfiles for my Arch Linux box (ThinkPad T420).

Trying to keep it simple and mostly terminal-based. Loosely inspired by other people's dotfiles, most notably Luke Smith's.

This stuff is work in progress and subject to change.


  • Display Manager: None! Just a regular tty1 console login
  • Window Manager: community/i3-gaps
    • Menu Launcher: community/dmenu
    • Status Bar: aur/polybar
  • Shell: core/bash
  • Terminal Emulator: community/rxvt-unicode
  • Text Editors:
    • vim (through extra/gvim for X11 support)
    • community/code (Visual Studio Code)
  • Web Browser: extra/firefox
  • File Manager: aur/lf (terminal-based)
  • Chat: community/discord
  • Music Player: community/ncmpcpp with extra/mpd