
zmk configuration for ninpad keyboard


This is my zmk config for my handwired ninepad macropad

  • layer 0: default - window switcher - layer picker
  • layer 1: media
  • layer 2: bluetooth
  • layer 3: minecraft_1
  • layer 4: minecraft_2
  • layer 5: arrows
  • layer 6: empty
  • layer 7: reset
  • layer 8: numbers
  • layer 9: empty
ninepad-assembled ninepad-plate-switched

(Left) fully assembled ninepad (Right) plate with switches inserted ready for wiring

Getting back to default

No matter what layer you are in, holding 7 (top left) will bring you to the 7th layer (reset). Now tap 9 (to right) and you will go back to the default layer.

layer 0: default - window switcher - layer picker

Once plugged in you will be brought to the default layer. Tapping on any key in this layer will press Left Gui (Super) plus the corresponding number. I have my window manager set up so that this will take you to workspace 1-9.

Double tapping any key on this layer will take you to the layer with the corresponding number layer 1-9.


layer 1: media

This layer has media keys, play/pause, next track, previous track, and volume.


layer 2: bluetooth

This layer has bluetooth select profile for 1-4, bluetooth clear, backlight toggle, and rgb toggle.


layer 3: minecraft_1

This layer is for minecraft. It has wasd, q, e, shift, control, and space. Holding space will take you to minecraft_2.


layer 4: minecraft_2

This layer has less critical minecraft keys, b, f5, f3, esc, f, and grave.


layer 5: arrows

This layer is for navigation, it has arrows, page up, page down, home, end, and escape.


layer 6: empty

This layer is left unused.

layer 7: reset

This is a critical layer that allows me to hold 7 and tap nine from any layer to get back to layer zero. Notice the &to 0, this is what does that.


layer 8: numbers

numbers 1-9


layer 9: empty

This layer is left unused.