Minimax 2.0 new features:
- move ordering
- piece-square tables
- IDDFS that controled by processing time
This is a mini-chess AI that plays the game of mini-chess.
- Minimax (negamax)
- Alpha-beta pruning
- move ordering
- piece-square tables
- iterative deepening depth-first search (IDDFS)
- transposition table (in progress)
- monte carlo tree search (in progress)
To run the AI, simply run the following command:
./build/main ./build/[player1_execution_file] ./build/[player2_execution_file]
note that there are three player execution files available:
- player_random: a player that makes random moves
- player_minimax: a player that uses minimax
- player_alpha-beta-pruning: a player that uses minimax with alpha-beta pruning
- player_IDDFS: a player that uses iterative deepening depth-first search (IDDFS)
your environment must support make and g++ to run the AI.
player_random: 0
player_minimax: 4
player_alpha-beta-pruning: 7
player_IDDFS: 6~8
(adjustable by processing time)
minimax wins: 100.00%
alpha-beta-pruning wins: 100.00%
alpha-beta-pruning wins: 100.00%
alpha-beta-pruning wins: 100.00%
minimax wins: 100.00%
alpha-beta-pruning wins: 50.00%