
Bash Script to monitor the IP adresses and mac adresses in your network

Primary LanguageShell

You need to install bash

pkg install bash

You need to install arp-scan

pkg install apr-scan

Optional, but handy you need ipcalc

pkg install ipcalc

You need to edit /etc/newsyslog.conf to keep the log rotated Add the following line /var/log/arpmonitor.log 640 7 1000 * JC

Received following parameters

-i: Initialarp (file) : /home/USB/Data/initialarp.dat -d: Initialdedup (file) : /home/USB/Data/initialarpdedup.dat -c: ChkArp (file) : /home/USB/Data/arpscanning.dat -e: chkdeduparp (file) : /home/USB/Data/arpdedupscanning.dat

-m: Arpmonitorlog (file) : /home/USB/Log/arpmonitor.log -x: Logmaxsize (number) : 2000000

-l: LANinterface (name) : bge0 -v: Interval (seconds): 100 -d: DebugLevel (number) : 4 -p: minpercentage (number) : 80

-f: macdifferent (bolean) : 1 -t: macdiffpercent (number) : 80

-g: gracefultime (seconds): 130 -o: maxloops (number) : 50 -r: IP Range (number) : -s: IP Subnet (number) : 24

-n: numberinstances (number) : 15 (Running: 6) Scan IP Range: --> Dump result to file: /home/USB/Data/initialarp.dat

Revised parameters:

/home/USB/arpmonitor.bash -h yes -l bge0 -v 90 -d 2 -p 75 -f yes -t 75 -g 130 -o 2 -r -s 24 -n 10 -x 500000 Debuglevel: 2 tar: Removing leading '/' from member names a home/USB/Log/arpmonitor.log Removed: /home/USB/Log/arpmonitor(log)_Monday-02-December-2024--02-29-46.tar

Parameter Warnings (Script will execute)

[Warning]Interval (-v) has a minimum of 300 seconds waiting time (5 minutes), Assuming the minimal value: 300 seconds. Something went wrong with logmaxsize (-x), assuming standard value of 1000000 bytes.

Parameter Tips (Script will execute)

User is ok with some Mac adresses to be different (-f). macdifferent=1 --> User also has to define percentage

IP Calculation TIP (Script will execute)

Address: 11000000.00011110.10110001. 00000000 Netmask: = 24 11111111.11111111.11111111. 00000000 Wildcard: 00000000.00000000.00000000. 11111111 => Network: 11000000.00011110.10110001. 00000000 HostMin: 11000000.00011110.10110001. 00000001 HostMax: 11000000.00011110.10110001. 11111110 Broadcast: 11000000.00011110.10110001. 11111111 Hosts/Net: 254 Class C

Received following parameters

-i: Initialarp (file) : /home/USB/Data/initialarp.dat -d: Initialdedup (file) : /home/USB/Data/initialarpdedup.dat -c: ChkArp (file) : /home/USB/Data/arpscanning.dat -e: chkdeduparp (file) : /home/USB/Data/arpdedupscanning.dat

-m: Arpmonitorlog (file) : /home/USB/Log/arpmonitor.log -x: Logmaxsize (number) : 10000000

-l: LANinterface (name) : bge0 -v: Interval (seconds): 300 -d: DebugLevel (number) : 2 -p: minpercentage (number) : 75

-f: macdifferent (bolean) : 1 -t: macdiffpercent (number) : 75

-g: gracefultime (seconds): 130 -o: maxloops (number) : 2 -r: IP Range (number) : -s: IP Subnet (number) : 24

-n: numberinstances (number) : 10 (Running: 5)