
An ETL process using Linux shell command and Postgres SQL

Primary LanguageShell

ETL using Linux Shell

An ETL process using Linux shell command and Postgres SQL


Copy the data in the file ‘web-server-access-log.txt.gz’ to the table ‘access_log’ in the PostgreSQL database ‘template1’.

The file is available at the location : “https://cf-courses-data.s3.us.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud/IBM-DB0250EN-SkillsNetwork/labs/Bash%20Scripting/ETL%20using%20shell%20scripting/web-server-access-log.txt.gz".

The following are the columns and their data types in the file:

a. timestamp - TIMESTAMP

b. latitude - float

c. longitude - float

d. visitorid - char(37)

and two more columns: accessed_from_mobile (boolean) and browser_code (int)

The columns which we need to copy to the table are the first four coumns : timestamp, latitude, longitude and visitorid.