
Research project on benefits of NVIDIA Task and Mesh Shaders

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Culling with NVIDIA Mesh Shaders

This project studies the possibilites and challenges of NVIDIA Mesh Shaders. With custom meshlet based backface and frustum culling a comparison between Mesh Shader, Compute Shader and standard Vertex Shader is conducted to evaluate possible performance gains, pitfalls and obstacles.

A personal secondary purpose of the project was to implement a C++ framework from ground up using Entity Component System. The EnTT library was used for this.

The 3D Models are from the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository: http://graphics.stanford.edu/data/3Dscanrep/

Video Analysis

YouTube: Culling with NVIDIA Mesh Shaders - An introduction and performance comparison

List of Dependendies

  • Assimp (5.0.1)
  • ImGui (1.74)
  • EnTT (3.3.0)
  • GLM (
  • Glad (0.1.33)
  • GLFW3 (3.3.2)

Points of Interest