We are from Universe
Team that makes Operating Systems with High Security and Data Security Focus. WFU Team. Because “We are From Universish”
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TesseraQt stands for 4D Qube. We will create a multi-layered 4D operating system by adding QubesOS, which is 3D, and GNU Guix OS, which is 1D. Ultra Reasonably Secure OS.
4-Dimensional Qubes OS fork. TesseraQt stands for 4D Qube. We will create a multi-layered 4D operating system by adding QubesOS, which is 3D, and Nix OS, which is 1D. Extra Reasonably Secure OS.
WFU (We are From Universe) Community is a community that develops High Security Operating Systems and Secure Internet Software. It consists of Teams. TesseraQt-G OS Team and TesseraQt-N OS Team are some of them.
IceDragon Browser's Developer Team
We are from Universe's Repositories
We are from Universe doesn’t have any repository yet.