Solaris Gateway is an Microservice Abstraction Layer (also known as an API Gateway or API Middleware) that aims to achieve be secure, fast and scalable.
- It provides security improvemets by handling bank API credentials only by the gateway, abstracted from the rest of the system, making it governance easier.
- It provides observability by seperating bank API calls entirely from the rest of the system, making them easier to trace, observe and debug (in sandbox env).
- It is fault-tolerant since it would block any misbehaving and exceeding module/service whereas without the gateway Solaris Bank would be blocking the whole system.
- It brings development efficieny for its users since bank API could be mocked, module by module, making testing and development much efficient with also enabling dev teams to pinpoint errors much faster.
For solaris-gateway to work we need following:
- A
oauth provider endpoint
, which generates the token for the gateway to use when sending requests - for production this would be
- A
service endpoint
, which the gateway would send its requests to - for production this would be
For testing purposes we use the following:
- A custom solaris-mock-server as our service endpoint
Simply run the solaris-mock-server using your IDE or using the following command, active profie should be set to dev
./gradlew bootJar
Now we could successfully run the gateway. After it has been running successfully we could test if its working by:
curl http://localhost:8090/solaris/v1/persons -H "Authorization: Basic cGF5bWVudFVzZXIxOnBhc3N3b3Jk" -v
Make sure that you also provide the basic authentication credentials with your curl request
- Gateway docker image could be build using the following command:
docker build -f gateway/Dockerfile -t sbg:$TAG ./gateway
- After building the image it could be run using the following command:
docker run sbg:$TAG
Please see Dockerfile of the image for furhter build args information or you could check Makefile for more targets
The CI/CD pipeline consists of two stages:
- Build
For build stage, the runner creates jars of gateway and solaris-mock-server and uploads them as artifacts.
- Test
For test stage, the runner collects the jars as artifacts and uses them in docker builds in a docker-compose job which creates the following containers:
- gateway: the solaris-gateway itself
- solaris-mock-server: the custom resource and authentication server
- test-runner: integration tests runner
If test-runner
container exits with exit code 0 the job succeeds else it fails.