- 4
Wrong link preview of each celebrity
#32 opened by SinaKarimi7 - 1
- 0
- 0
To add the go to top button
#30 opened by nafasebra - 0
+ [NEW CELEBRITY] - Jared Leto
#23 opened by nimayazdi93 - 1
+ [NEW CELEBRITY] - Ali Karimi
#25 opened by vivaworld - 1
show status on profile page
#22 opened by nimayazdi93 - 1
Filter reset issue
#26 opened by asif-simform - 1
bug: refresh the celebrity it will show 404
#15 opened by siamakhaz - 2
How does the stance check verified?
#17 opened by debpalash - 1
- 1
گروه بندی سلبریتی ها adding tags
#9 opened by hiddify-com - 1
- 3
+ [NEW CELEBRITY] - Masih Alinejad
#1 opened by farnoodma - 1
- 1
The colors change randomly on page refresh
#11 opened by BesatZardosht - 0
Status change accurateness check
#12 opened by BesatZardosht - 2
Responsive design & search box
#2 opened by yshekouhi - 2
Add their message!
#3 opened by anazari96