Checks Ghost themes for errors, deprecations, best practices and looks to see which features are supported. Aims to generate a compatibility report and feature listing for themes.
There are 3 ways to use gscan to validate your theme:
Visit and upload your zip to our online version of Gscan.
Install using yarn / npm:
yarn global add gscan
/ npm install -g gscan
To run a local directory through the checks:
gscan /path/to/theme/directory
To run a local zip file through the checks:
gscan /path/to/ -z
Install using yarn/npm and then:
var gscan = require('gscan');
path: 'path-to-zip',
name: 'my-theme'
}).then(function (result) {
}).catch(function(err) {
- Either dev mode:
yarn dev
- Or standard server:
yarn start
- View: http://localhost:2369
(Core team only)
yarn ship
- Errors: these are issues which will cause your theme to not work properly. These must be fixed.
- Warnings: these are usually related to deprecated features. These should be fixed.
- Recommendations: these are advisories about best practice. Fixing these will improve your theme.
- Features: detected features which may impact on compatibility. Nothing to do :)
- Support for running the checks against a GitHub repository
- Many, many more checks
- Detailed advice for each check/result
- Compatibility report
- Feature listing
Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ghost Foundation - Released under the MIT license. Ghost and the Ghost Logo are trademarks of Ghost Foundation Ltd. Please see our trademark policy for info on acceptable usage.