Sled Migrator


cargo run --release

The program will ask for the input path (path of your current sled db), the output path (path where you want the migrated sled db to be) and the target sled version (one of [0.31, 0.32, 0.33, 0.34]) and will upgrade the db to that version.

Or you can provide the values directly as parameters

cargo run --release -- --input=${PATH_TO_DB} --output=${OUTPUT_PATH} --target=0.34


docker run --rm --volume ${NAME_OF_YOUR_CONDUIT_DATA_VOLUME}:/srv/conduit/.local/share/conduit matrixconduit/sled-migrator:latest /srv/conduit/sled-migrator --input=/srv/conduit/.local/share/conduit/${DOMAIN_NAME} --output=/srv/conduit/.local/share/conduit/${DOMAIN_NAME} --target=0.34