
Some special https://pterodactyl.io eggs made for ARM64

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


Custom eggs for pterodactyl.io. Some of them work on ARM and also ARM form Oracle Free Tier


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
Gogs egg-gogs.json Not ssl ready and on ARM use native ARM version


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
Redis server generic egg-generic-redis.json supports: v5.0,6.0,6.2,7.0

Game eggs

Among Us

Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
Among Us - Impostor Server egg-among-us--impostor-server.json You MUST use Port 22023 for the Master Server. To host multiple servers, please read Impostor Multiple Servers Documentation.


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
beamMP egg-beamMP-servers-ARM64.json native arm64


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
Factorio egg-factorio-a-r-m64.json 1 port


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
FiveM egg-five-m-a-r-m64.json !!FEX!!
Multi Theft Auto egg-multi-theft-auto.json Needs 2 ports
Rage MP egg-rage--m-p.json Set the ARCH variable for your arch and select the right docker image
SA-MP egg-s-a--m-p.json Uses box86 emulation


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
paper + hibernation egg-paper--hibernation.json to controle the hibarnate in the console it is: msh and to controle minecraft is it: mine
Bedrock Vanilla egg-vanilla-bedrock.json Works but slow startup


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
7 days to die egg-7-days-to-die-a-r-m64.json !!STEAMCMD!! + needs 6 ports + console is realy slow and shutdown can take up to 50 seconds
Ark survival evikved egg-ark--survival-evolved.json !!STEAMCMD!!
AssettoServer egg-assetto-server.json Needs 2 ports
Counter strike global offensive egg-counter--strike--global-offensive.json !!STEAMCMD!!
Counter Strike Source egg-css-arm64.json !!STEAMCMD!!
Valheim egg-valheim.json !!STEAMCMD!!
Garry's Mod egg-garrys-mod-a-r-m64.json !!STEAMCMD!!
Palworld egg-palworld-a-r-m64.json !!STEAMCMD!! + !!FEX!!
SCP: Secret Laboratory Exiled egg-s-c-p--s-l--exiled--a-r-m64.json !!STEAMCMD!! + slow! + !!FEX!!
Satisfactory egg-satisfactory-a-r-m64.json 12GiB Ram, 3 ports !!FEX!!
The Front egg-the-front-a-r-m64.json Needs 4 ports, 10GiB disk space, 5GiB ram
Unturned egg-unturned.json Needs 3 ports (game, game+1, game+2) && !!STEAMCMD!! The first launch will segfault just wait for the server to start again
Valheim egg-valheim.json !!STEAMCMD!!


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
Terraria Vanilla egg-terraria-vanilla-ARM64.json
Terraria tShock egg-tshock-ARM64.json running with mono


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
OpenWorld egg-open-world.json Difrend docker image for ARM64 then for AMD64 and needs a reinstall after changing the primary port! (remove old config first then reinstall)


Service file* AMD64 ARM64 ARM Oracle More info
TeamSpeak3 egg-teamspeak3-server-ARM64.json

*Right click and click save

✅ - Working (Normal ARM was tested on Raspberry Pi)
❔- Not tested yet but should work
❌ - Don't work


if !!STEAMCMD!! is mentioned in the egg more info then you have to run this the first time you install a steam game on the host OS!

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QuintenQVD0/Q_eggs/main/steamgames.sh | bash



FEX is a special emulator. It is something like QEMU-user but with its own file system. So it needs by itself at least 8GB of disk space, it also will create a folder called rootfs and a file in /home/container called Config.json Do not touch those files! Keep in mind that the console will be slow / can reports Freezing because of its 2nd filesystem. You safly ignore those!

When using FEX, there is no auto update. You will have to hit reinstall! FEX now has a very basic and still experimental auto update