
Ludwig Ahgren made a Christmas Album in 2020. I just thought of a project cause I was bored where you can play all the songs by a click of a button which you can already do from his timestamps but what makes it special is that it has lyrics of those songs too and a bunch of other features.

Primary LanguageHTMLCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Open in Gitpod

On the 18th of December 2021, I was bored, so I created this basic HTML Project. I felt like continuing with this fun project, so I enlisted the help of a few contributors.


Ensure that the last YouTube video you watched wasn't on mute, otherwise the songs will not play, and the autoplay for the lyrics' directory will automatically be set on mute too.

There is currently no way to control the volume of the songs. Although it should be added soon, you can lower the volume on your device. If that is still too loud, please download the Volume Booster extension (even though it is meant to boost volume, it can also be used as a reducer; available on Brave, Edge, Chrome, I am not sure about Firefox, etc) and lower the volume there. On the project site, we are developing an in-built volume slider. Please leave a message if you are willing to assist. Thanks.

If you use a VPN, your performance may be slowed or the song may not play.

Also, I recommend that you use Adblocker Plus or another adblocker to block ads on YouTube and the project website if the sites are not whitelisted in the adblocker because there is a chance that an ad will play before you click a song. After all, this project is powered by a YouTube embed. However, I may soon change it to run through Youtube Music or another music software where the ads are fewer or none at all. There is one adblocker that allows you to whitelist ads on a specific YouTuber; if you use that adblocker and whitelist, say, "Ludwig," you may get ads, so please un-whitelist him while running the songs on the project website. But, because there are not many ads, you should be fine most of the time. My adblocker tells me that for every song I tap on the website, including "All Of The Above," it is blocking two ads; however, when I tried another login without the adblocker, I did not get any ads, so the ads will only appear occasionally; I am just providing fair warning.

If you would like dark mode on this site, you can toggle dark mode on or off by using the button in the top right corner of the site.

Please note that since version 8.0, we have updated how the website looks so that there is no embed/iframe, but that does slow down the performance how fast the song plays/the user does not know if the song is loading or not, but just wait 1-5 seconds and the song should play, in case of any issue, please create a bug report issue using the template in the issue panel in this repo. Since the release of 10.5.0, I believe, the songs have started playing a little faster than they used to, now taking only 1-4 seconds.

Check it out here

The project website is hosted here!

Backup URL: Backup Domain

Make sure you check it out.

Contributing Guidelines & Related Contributing Stuff

Contributing Guidelines

Issues which new contributors can take up.


Project credits are located here.

Credits include the following:

  • Mogul Christmas Team
  • Project Contributors
  • Singers whose songs are in the You May Like directory.

Versions & Previews

  • You can view the versions & previews here

Please Note: This only has 25 releases, at the time of writing this (16th April 2022, 12:11pm IST) there are 59 more releases not added to this list.

  • For updates on the website, I've written it as a Version, and for updates on Github we've written it as a Release, for Releases, we've provided a complete changelog.

Deploy Status

Below, you can see the progress of the GitHub deployment to the site. In case a change is made to this repo, it takes around 2-5 minutes to display on the site, depending on if there are other deploy's going on within Pull Requests or within repos that have sites, because using Netlify, I can only deploy one thing at a time.

Netlify Status