Threat Intelligence Tradecraft

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This is a work in progress


  • Create an opensource/free curriculum for learning threat intelligence tradecraft to include:
  • 1: Cyber Threat Intelligence and Requirements
  • 2: Intrusion Analysis
  • 3: Collection Sources
  • 4: Analysis and Dissemination of Intelligence
  • 5: Higher-Order Analysis and Attribution
  • Note: I plan on heavily modeling after/emulating content from commercially available courses

Short Term Goals:

  • Utilize entirely free (as in beer) or OSS tools
  • Deliver via step by step guides, articles,presentations
  • ETA: ~June 2018 (no real idea when this will be done)

Long Term Goals:

  • Develop Vagrantfile/VM for module exercises
  • Develop MOOC format using openedX with tests

Super Long Term Goals:

  • Host Website with MOOC

  • Create booklet/document format to be used as a digital or printable portable guide

  • Develop Videos (maybe)

  • Contact: If you would like to help me in this project please shoot an email to:



1: Cyber Threat Intelligence and Requirements

2: Intrusion Analysis

3: Collection Sources

4: Analysis and Dissemination of Intelligence

5: Higher-Order Analysis and Attribution