
Common helper functions for our WordPress builds

Primary LanguagePHP

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Contains a list of common helper functions that make building WordPress sites even more fun!


img($uri, $atts = ''): Creates an image tag. Short hand of <img src="<?php echo get_bloginfo('template_url') . $src ?>" atts=>. To use, simply do <?= img('logo.png') ?>. Note This method loads image relative to the img directory in our themes folder (just pass in an absolute URL for external images).

js($uri, $deps = false) Enqueues a script, relative to the js folder in your themes directory to be loaded in the footer. Note that you don't need to add the .js extension.


Looks in the theme's folder for a favicon named "favicon-admin.$faviconExt", where $faviconExt is the extension (defaults to .ico). To change it to PNG, simply add $faviconExt = 'png' to your functions.php.