- 0
gettting this error [TypeError: _reactNative.Linking.removeEventListener is not a function (it is undefined)] on calling login function
#108 opened by antiergit - 0
{“name”:“OpenloginError”,“code”:5114,“message”:“Login failed, SessionId is missing”} when try to authenticate user via Twitter (X)
#98 opened by BondarevskiyE - 3
How to connect to wallet
#73 opened by abigail-0111 - 1
Login and Logout working in DEV but not for Release build configuration (rn-bare)
#92 opened by ceichinger - 1
- 1
REACT-NATIVE (Android) - Having empty idToken in response from @web3auth/react-native-sdk
#80 opened by vasylynaCGS - 1
Are sapphire networks supported?
#74 opened by bdtren - 1
Crypto not working
#77 opened by thehectoor - 2
Auth0 email passwordless not working
#51 opened by tbosch82 - 2
Should not import the named export 'name' (imported as 'name') from default-exporting module.
#76 opened by harshad-kathiriya - 4
- 7
- 1
REACT-NATIVE - Having empty id_token in response from @web3auth/react-native-sdk
#41 opened by aasix786 - 2
- 1
Expo (React Native) Logout on IOS
#46 opened by Ovoda - 12
Redirect to app is not working
#35 opened by kb-codes - 7
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Issue with init function
#71 opened by GeorgeNiotis - 1
Could not validate redirect url
#67 opened by EnettyTech - 2
- 3
Empty loginProvider no longer supported.
#56 opened by devYonz - 3
Property 'Buffer' doesn't exist
#63 opened by austinmilt - 2
Unable to detect device share error
#50 opened by zachdorcinville21 - 3
- 3
Can't find variable: Buffer
#42 opened by Amazing1974 - 1
- 1
- 3
- 3
build failing version 1.0.1
#11 opened by henry-wrightman - 1
- 2
React Native Tutorial incomplete
#12 opened by buildgreatthings