A brand new markup+dynamic language, for the Web 3.0. Smaller and faster than JSON and HTML. DML is based on Emmet as HTML is based on XML; with improvements such as support to datasets.

QML (Quantum Markup Language)

Draft Not implemented

Smaller and faster than JSON and HTML. QML is based on Emmet as HTML is based on XML; with improvements (such as support to datasets) and Esperanto as main language.

  • Lightweighter as possible
  • Hightly semantic
  • Context-aware


vs. HTML


<body id="korp"><header id="kaplok"></header><content id="enhavo"><article id="artikol" class="blog">Article`s content</article></content></body>


korp#body>kaplok.header+enhavo#content>artikol#article.blog{Article`s content}

While JSON is sometimes faster to parse than HTML, it gives more bytes to read/download. But QML language is faster than both JSON and HTML, and also uses less bytes. HTML uses 70-75 more characters than QML.

QML is also smaller as well when visualy (human-readable) structured, compared to HTML:

		artikol#article.blog{Article`s content}
<body id="korp">
	<header id="kaplok"></header>
	<content id="enhavo">
		<article id="artikol" class="blog">Article`s content

HTML uses 3 more lines than QML.

vs. JSON

QML as a data store:

		fulln=Alice Althea+
		fulln=Bob Bulbasaur+

Compared to JSON:

"fulln":"Alice Althea",
"fulln":"Bob Bulbasaur",

Single-line JSON datastore:

{"users":[{"alice":[{"fulln":"Alice Althea","addr":"dataddress"}],"bob":[{"fulln":"Bob Bulbasaur","addr":"dataddress"}]}]}

Single-line QML datastore:

users>alice>fulln=Alice Althea+addr=dataddress^bob>fulln=Bob Bulbasaur+addr=dataddress

QML haves 5 lines & 32-41 characters less than JSON.

vs. Emmet

  • QML haves Esperanto as main language, while Emmet uses English
  • QML is also used for datastores
  • QML supports human-readable, word-wrapped identation


This is a open-source and accessible markup language, so you're welcome to open a issue (with criticism/suggestions) and open pull requests with improvements. Please follow our Code of Conduct before interacting or contributing.


  • Site
  • Profile+Blog
  • Manifesto
  • License
  • Script that is firstly downloaded, and works offline for rendering QML into HTML on classic browsers
  • JML.js
  • .qml
  • .qmlx (16-bit compressed, prioritized from slow online conn)
  • Works on Kaypi
  • Render markdown for faster parsing (use MD instead of own tags)
  • Embed, sandbox QML (a social network can enable posting in QML)
  • Op Gv
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_Web#Limitations_of_HTML

Related links

Emmet Markup Language (in which QML is based)