
Telegram bot to display crypto price

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Telegram bot to display crypto price

Building a Crypto Telegram Bot with CoinGecko Integration

Prerequisites: Ensure you have Python 3.7 or higher installed on your system. Create a Telegram Bot: Start by creating a bot on Telegram using the BotFather. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Telegram and search for @BotFather. Type /newbot and follow the instructions. Save the API token provided by BotFather.

  2. Install the necessary Python packages: pip install python-telegram-bot requests

  3. We’ll use the CoinGecko API to fetch real-time crypto data. Specifically, we’ll make a GET request to the /coins/markets endpoint to get data like current price, market cap, volume, and price change percentage.

  4. Run the Python script. Your bot should now respond to /start and /price <crypto_symbol> commands.

  5. Remember to replace 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN' with your actual Telegram bot token and the Coingecko api with your API