
Solana token creation details

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Solana token creation details

Creating a Solana mainnet SLP (SPL) token involves several steps, which I'll outline below. Please note that this is a step-by-step guide, and you should follow each step carefully to ensure the successful creation of your token.


  1. Solana CLI: Install the Solana CLI (Command-Line Interface) on your machine. You can download the CLI from the Solana website: https://docs.solana.com/cli/installation
  2. Solana Wallet: Create a Solana wallet using a wallet software like Phantom, Solflare, or Ledger Live. You'll need a wallet to store your Solana tokens.
  3. Fund your wallet: Ensure your wallet has some SOL tokens to cover the transaction fees.

Step 1: Create a new SPL token

Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command to create a new SPL token:

spl-token create-token --owner <YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS> --decimals 0

Replace <YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS> with your Solana wallet address.

Step 2: Create a new token account

Create a new token account to hold your token:

spl-token create-account <TOKEN_ADDRESS> --owner <YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS>

Replace <TOKEN_ADDRESS> with the token address generated in Step 1.

Step 3: Mint tokens

Mint the desired number of tokens to the token account:


Replace <AMOUNT> with the number of tokens you want to mint.

Step 4: Verify token creation

Verify that the token has been created successfully:

spl-token supply <TOKEN_ADDRESS>

This command should display the token supply, which should match the amount you minted in Step 3.

Step 5: Update token metadata (optional)

If you want to add a token name, symbol, or other metadata, you can use the following command:

spl-token update-metadata <TOKEN_ADDRESS> --name <TOKEN_NAME> --symbol <TOKEN_SYMBOL> --owner <YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS>

Replace <TOKEN_NAME> and <TOKEN_SYMBOL> with your desired token name and symbol, respectively.

Step 6: Verify token metadata (optional)

Verify that the token metadata has been updated successfully:

spl-token metadata <TOKEN_ADDRESS>

This command should display the updated token metadata.

Step 7: Deploy token to mainnet

To deploy your token to the Solana mainnet, you'll need to create a transaction that updates the token's mint authority to the mainnet. Run the following command:

spl-token authorize <TOKEN_ADDRESS> --mint-authority <MAINNET_MINT_AUTHORITY> --owner <YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS>

Replace <MAINNET_MINT_AUTHORITY> with the mainnet mint authority address: Gg6F6H7NQNPQwcmpQXVUXR3Q3QjKDq3Oe3F4H6R8.

Step 8: Verify token deployment

Verify that the token has been deployed to the mainnet successfully:

spl-token supply <TOKEN_ADDRESS> --mainnet

This command should display the token supply on the mainnet.

That's it! You've successfully created a Solana mainnet SLP token with the latest updates.

Additional tips:

  • Make sure to keep your wallet address and token address safe and secure.
  • Be cautious when updating token metadata, as this can affect the token's functionality.
  • If you encounter any issues during the process, you can seek help from the Solana community or a Solana developer or reach out to me on telegram @0xba5ed