Lil' Twitter

Part of Dev Bootcamp's thick client challenge for the 2014 Chorus Frogs.

Learning Competencies

  • Build a client side heavy Rails application.
  • Consume a JSON API.
  • Build Single Page App.
  • write organized JavaScript code


Your mission: build a one-page app using Javascript to render a simple dashboard for a twitter application. The HTML, CSS, and back-end are already written for you -- all you need to do is write the JavaScript.

Development Setup

requires ruby and rubygems.

$ bundle install
$ rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:seed
$ rails server

to run the tests:

$ rake db:test:prepare
$ rake spec

$ brew install phantomjs
$ RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake spec:javascript


Release 0: Architect

Your site needs to have the following functionality:

  • On page load, the 50 most recent tweets are displayed in the 'river' running down the middle of the page.

  • On page load, the 10 most popular hashtags are displayed.

  • A user can create a tweet, which will get saved into the database with a fake username, fake handle, and fake avatar (which is all handled server-side).

  • Any hashtags the tweet includes (e.g. #yolo), should also be associated with that tweet.

  • The new tweet should appear atop the 'river', preferrably with some sort of animation.

  • A user can search for a specific hashtag using the search bar. The results of the search will be displayed in the river, replacing whatever was there before.

  • If the user searches for a hashtag that does not exist, the search bar turns red.

  • A user can click on a trending topic in the trends box, which causes the river to display all tweets that are associated with that hashtag, replacing whatever was there before.

  • When a user clicks on the Lil Twitter header, the 50 most recent tweets are displayed.

All of this will be accomplished using JavaScript. Spend some time thinking about your architecture – what objects do you need? What are their interfaces? What does your file structure look like? Make sure you aren't micromanaging or over-designing -- Big Design Up Front is never great -- but your team will benefit from some basic architecture desicisions before starting.

Release 1: Build

Okay, now build the thing. You should avoid any changes to the server-side code, although if you feel like changes are necessary, implement them and make sure the tests reflect your alterations. You will need to remove the filler elements in app/views/index.html. Structural changes to HTML and CSS should not be necessary, and it is generally a bad idea to unilaterally change a resource that your entire team depends on. Any changes to the existing code base, no matter how small, should be done intentionally and in consultation with your entire team.

Release 2: Ensure

JavaScript can be more difficult to test than ruby code, and OO design is often used as a replacement for full test coverage. That said, you should still be writing tests for your JavaScript code base. We've already installed the jasmine-rails gem for you. Some guidelines:

  • testing your view objects and DOM interaction is difficult, as it requires a fair amount of setup to get right. It is more important that you test the cyclomatic complexity of your controllers and models.
  • AJAX calls are also hard to test, and should be stubbed out for the purposes of your test suite. Use Jasmine spies to test that these functions have been called.
  • Your integration testing should be handled through capybara. You can use the Poltergeist driver for feature testing with a focus on JavaScript functionality.

Release 3: Expand

The benefits of OO architecture is that it is easily extendable. Add an additional feture to your application, like:

  • a system for checking if new tweets have been created since page load, using long-polling.
  • have the river of tweets only display 10 tweets, and dynamically load more when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page.
  • give the user the ability to click hashtags inside tweets, which would display tweets associated with that hashtag.

Endpoint Documentation

GET /tweets/recent returns the 50 most recently created tweets in JSON format. The response body looks like this:

  { "avatar_url":"",
    "content":"Ut fugit ut labore repellendus.",
    "username":"Adaline Bins",
    "hashtag_names": [ "est", "rerum", "distinctio" ] }

GET /tweets/search/:hashtag returns the 50 most recent tweets associated with the given hashtag, with a format similar to the /recent endpoint. Will return an empty body with a status code of 404 if the hastag does not exist.

POST /tweets creates a new a tweet and associates it with the specified hashtags, if provided. Hashtags that did not previously exist are also created. a request body should take this format:

    { "avatar_url":"",
    "content":"Ut fugit ut labore repellendus.",
    "username":"Adaline Bins" }
  hashtags: [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]

If no data is provided for avatar_url, content, handle, or username, fake data is used instead.

The endpoint returns the created tweet as JSON.

    { "avatar_url":"",
      "content":"Ut fugit ut labore repellendus.",
      "username":"Adaline Bins",
      "hashtag_names": [ "est", "rerum", "distinctio" ] }

GET /hashtags/popular returns the names of the 10 most popular hashtags. The output looks like this:

  [ "est",
    "sint" ]