
bad wast generation for gcc torture test bcp-1.c

Closed this issue · 1 comments

binji commented

See bcp-1.c

The .s output is:

# BB#6:                                 # %for.cond.5
    i32.const   $push12=, 0
    i32.load    $push13=, bad_t1($pop12)
    i32.const   $push14=, 1
    i32.call_indirect   $push15=, $pop13, $pop14
    br_if       $pop15, 0       # 0: down to label1

s2wasm generates:

      (block $label$1
          (call_indirect $FUNCSIG_ii
            (i32.const 1)
            (i32.load offset=40 align=4
              (i32.const 0)

Notice that the function index (the i32.load) is after the first argument (i32.const 1). They should be in the other order.

Thanks, fixed. Our call_indirect code only took into account the reverse order of operands for the call operands and not the target itself.