- 2
Missing tags for wasi-sdk 23 and 24
#547 opened by bjorn3 - 4
- 1
#545 opened by trcrsired - 2
wasi-sockets: TCP connect from a Bound state.
#540 opened by pavelsavara - 5
Consider including a pthread.h for all targets
#501 opened by dicej - 11
polling on mix of libc-posix socket/file descriptors with non-libc WASI pollable handles
#542 opened by pavelsavara - 1
FTS Support
#520 opened by kateinoigakukun - 2
getsockopt, setsockopt doesn't implement SO_RCVTIMEO,SO_SNDTIMEO for wasi:socket handles
#539 opened by pavelsavara - 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 22
- 2
Dereferencing nullptr in __sec_to_zone function
#506 opened by trcrsired - 2
'mkdirat()' ignores the parameter 'mode'
#527 opened by Daksh-10 - 1
[msys2] AR is set as gcc in UCRT64 and MINGW64
#523 opened by ArchGuyWu - 0
Support WASIp2 sockets in `read` and `write`
#521 opened by dicej - 12
- 0
sysroot for wasm64
#516 opened by bruzer129 - 0
- 1
- 0
wasi-libc should probably not define `_POSIX_CPUTIME` and `_POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME`...
#513 opened by whitequark - 2
main in a library regression
#485 opened by yamt - 1
httpclient module for API request
#503 opened by hasinthajanaka - 1
is there any plan to support mqueue/rwlock api?
#465 opened by tkernelcn - 6
Support `mprotect` in wasi-emulated-mman
#497 opened by whitequark - 1
Support sigaction (for LLVM)
#466 opened by theoparis - 28
Proposal: add `wasm32-wasi-preview2` target, prioritizing `wasi-sockets` support
#447 opened by dicej - 6
both `/` and `.` preopens "normlaize" to empty string meaning it is not possible to preopen root and current dir simultaneously
#484 opened by mtobin-tdab - 2
how does preview2 deal with wasm64?
#469 opened by trcrsired - 4
#475 opened by yamt - 0
locking issues in chdir.c
#474 opened by yamt - 2
Please tag wasi-sdk-21
#461 opened by cuviper - 15
`errno` is broken on `wasm32-wasi-threads`
#456 opened by dicej - 2
undefined symbol: alarm (and maybe dup)
#459 opened by sporniket - 6
Question: Is there an existing .clang-format configuration appropriate for this project? Should we create one?
#451 opened by dicej - 11
Question: Would the maintainers be receptive to a pull request to remove the eager loading of the environment?
#452 opened by yowl - 2
- 1
-Werror should probably not be passed by default
#453 opened by glandium - 7
Is there any plan about supporting WASI preview2?
#430 opened by lum1n0us - 3
Should we merge `wasi-libc` into `wasi-sdk`?
#427 opened by abrown - 9
clock_nanosleep doesn't work as expected
#439 opened by daichifukui - 4
Directory listings should include preopens
#414 opened by SteveSandersonMS - 1
Is it possible to not use preopen?
#431 opened by konsumer - 2
A way to redirect stdout/stderr to another file _and then back_ would be nice
#428 opened by whitequark - 16
memory fault in emmalloc prev_region
#421 opened by cuviper - 2
Please tag wasi-sdk-20
#416 opened by cuviper - 14
- 5
Make errno a macro like on other platforms
#411 opened by RReverser