
An Application for a fictional company called Web Cooks with remote employees working all over the world. This project users the Random User Generator API (https://randomuser.me) to grab information for 12 random employees and uses that data to build a prototype for an employee directory.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Web Cooks - Public Api Request

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Getting Started

No pre requisite installation required, built using Vanilla JavaScript

App for a fictional company called Web Cooks, a distributed company with remote employees working all over the world. They need a smart way for employees to share contact information with each other.

Use of the Random User Generator API (https://randomuser.me/) to grab information for 12 random “employees,” and use that data to build a prototype for an Awesome Startup employee directory.

Request of a JSON object from the API and parse the data so that 12 employees are listed in a grid with their thumbnail image, full name, email, and location. Clicking the employee’s image or name will open a modal window with more detailed information, such as the employee’s birthday and address.