

Hello. Are you peaking into the mysteries of the Wizard's bag? Welcome! Unlike some of my mage friends, I love to share what magical incantations I've discovered over the years. Here, at The Wizard's Bag LLC, we strive to provide a great web store experience! After all, you might be able to duplicate our store, You can never duplicate our products, service, and winning *charisma (level 20, with the right gear!).


Aright then, with introductions aside, the purpose of this project is to build Table-Top Fantasy Role Plying Game (TTFRPG) Web Store that sales all types of items. Everything form magical to mundane will be offered withing the Web Store. Eventually, users will be able to search, note, comment and like what is being sold. Although, much more are planned for the final product, I will need to stay small on the initial build.

Road Ahead 10,000 Mile High View

I'll likely need to create more detailed plans later. Here are some major milestones I foresee needing to accomplish.

  • Design and Build SQL commands to create/drop DB and tables (using Postgres and Visual Paradigm) <-Working
  • Design OOP Framework for handling CRUD CLI procedures (using Java) <-Working
  • Code translator to convert JSON item and spell lists found in GitHub into SQL table insertion commands (using Python)
  • Build GUI to CRUD DB data (Using JavaFX)
  • Design and Build frontend Website (Using React & Node.js)
  • Create, collect, and store all the images for all the items we want to "sell" (Using what ever I can find...)
  • Include User Accounts
  • Deploy Db & Website
  • Tests?
  • Iterations

DB Structure

Were you wondering how the DB is designed for this project? Ok, I'm sure it isn't the first question on your mind. Still, like every great spell, you need to understand the basics. In this case, I thought I'd share how I am planning out the foundation to our little thaumaturgical experiment! Below is a visual of the Postgres DB I constructed to manage all our store items. It will inevitably change as we progress. As such, I'll update when it does.
