- 5
- 0
Need updates, react-router-dom, firebase, cra, all have changed project doesnt run.
#33 opened by gunjan1909 - 3
Failed to create account
#30 opened by carlyjames - 0
Signup Page Ref={emailref } is not working
#32 opened by athifbinu - 0
Spread children are not supported in React.
#28 opened by Marx-wrld - 1
Can not update email and password together
#26 opened by mohaelbuni - 3
Showing auth/invalid-api-key in console
#22 opened by Soham-0047 - 4
How to configure the api key ?
#12 opened by Chrisdeparis - 0
- 0
- 1
useAuth returns undefined
#6 opened by kishore-rajendran - 1
Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {G, l, m, s, a, b, ya, _lat, refreshToken, uid, displayName, photoURL, email, emailVerified, phoneNumber, isAnonymous, tenantId, metadata, providerData, xa, oa, v, $b, fb, P, h, R, f, u, $, pa, Ba, ba, za, W, X, Aa, aa, N, multiFactor, ha}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
#8 opened by timogede - 0
If nothing appears on your newly clone file, uninstall and install firebase
#17 opened by marklatorrel - 1
- 0
There is a bug when registering and can directly enter without logging in.
#16 opened by reynaldysaputra - 0
Cant perform password reset
#15 opened by ElbinBinil - 5
- 7
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'register' of 'Object(...)(...)' as it is undefined.
#7 opened by Isa1Maria - 1
Blank Page after adding AuthContext file
#5 opened by Abdalmajid