
Fullstack MERN Ecommerce Site with Front End and Admin Panel

Primary LanguageCSS

MERN Ecommerce Project with Stripe Payment

There are 3 Folders

  1. web_panel - For front end
  2. web_admin - For Back end Admin
  3. web_services - For API

Steps for run project are as below

  1. Download or Clone this code in your system
  2. Go to each folder and from terminal run command npm install for download dependencies.
  3. Rename sample.env file to .env and add your credential or keep same.
  4. To run front end go to web_panel folder and open terminal and run command npm start
  5. To run backend admin go to web_admin folder and open terminal and run command npm start
  6. To run APIs go to web_services folder and open terminal and run command npm start
  7. For stripe setting create account in stripe and you will get credentials from there.

Technology Covered in this Projects

  1. REACT (FrontEnd)
  2. NodeJS (BackEnd API)
  3. Express (Framework)
  4. MongoDb (Database)
  5. Stripe Payment Method
  6. JWT Token
  7. Routing
  8. Redux for handle states
  9. Redux Thunk middleware
  10. Toastify for show messages

Some of Features of Ecommerce Project

Front End

  • Home Page with Slider, Featured Products

  • Product Listing page with filter in Left side

  • Product List load as Page scroll to down

  • Cart Slide with product, Allow to inrease/decrease quantity of product.

  • Shipping Address Page

  • Payment method with both for Cash on Delivery and Credit Card Payment

    Note: Set port whatever you want in package.json file in scripts part
    URL for Frontend : http://localhost:5001/

Admin Panel

  • Add/Update Product

  • Search Product

  • Download Product in CSV

    Note: Add 1 User with isAdmin=true in Users table manually for login in admin panel.
    URL for Admin Panel : http://localhost:5003/

Note: You can change port for API by set it in .env file. Default PORT is 5002
URL for Admin Panel : http://localhost:5002/api/

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