Framework in Vue 3 with Nuxt for SQL databases. Using typescript programming with out web programming.
I'm a old FOX programer with a lot experience in desing and programing in Visual Fox Pro (VFP),MSSQL and Postgres databases.
- Vue 3 with SFC
- Nuxt 3
- Native HTML components
- Backend with Node express and VFPnode proyect
- SQL Data Base Postgres ]12.0 ( MSSQL soon) )
- Make a simple program in typescript, but with out knowledge of web programming (HTML, CSS, VUE).
It's based in use a main form (like ThisForn in VFP) made in typescript only, where each form has it owns components ( editBox, comboBox,checkBox grid ,etc) forming a component tree.
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Component1 Component2 Component..n
there are some components where each one have it's own components (grid have a several columns components)
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Column1 Column2 Column..n
Each component has it own propierties.
- basic props
- Style props
- Position props (outdated)
and methods
- click
- when
- valid
- focus
- interactiveChange
To make a reference to especific propierty you can do by using a complete name reference tree example: propierties :"inline-block"'800px'. ThisForn.component1.prop.Type = 'editText' ThisForn.component2.prop.Value='Customer name 1'.
- Form
- editText
- textLabel
- comboBox
- checkBox
- optionGroup
- grid
- Form (component container)
- Component Each component have serveral properties where each properties afect visual and database behaviour as values to.
- BaseClass: "editText", // HTML base class (Form, - - editText, comboBox, sppiner, grid, checkBox ...)
- Name: "", // Name of component.
- textLabel: "", // text label showing before input.
- Type 'text', // data types :
- number
- text
- date
- spinner
- checkBox.
- Value: '', // Value of component .
- Autofocus: false // component who receives a focus when new register is inserted .
- Disabled: false
- ErrorMessage: ""
- Format: ""
- InputMask: ""
- MaxLength: 0
- Placeholder: ""
- Position: 'main', // main, header , footer.
Image: ''
- ReadOnly: false
- TabIndex: 0
- ToolTipText: 'Principal name ',.
- Visible: true
componentStyle { background: "white", color: "#b94295", width: "auto", height: "auto", MaxHeigth: 'auto', MaxWidth: 'auto', fontFamily: "Arial", fontSize: "13px", // automaticamente vue lo cambiara por font-size (para eso se utiliza la anotacion Camello) textAlign: "left",
# each prop.Value component can be taked from a field of local SQL where :
- ControlSource: "tableName.fieldName // Name of sql field.
- RecordSource: 'tableName'
- SqlUpdate: true //true, when lost focus component, update field component. When false, update field component since tableUpdate method
- Capture: true // When capture is true, can't lost focus until Validate or esc
- First: false
- Focus: false // When put 1 , take focus this component
- Last: false
- Map: // Read only. Main structure map of this component, class, method example : "ThisForm.componentName"
- Grid: false
- id: 0
- Key: 0
- Status: "I" // P)rocess, A)ctive , I)nitialization.
- Valid:true // (Internal use). the value of the component is good
- KeyId : true when this component is a field index for a table select , update or delete
- Currency: 'MXN' //USD,EUR,MXN
- CurrencyDisplay : 'code' //to use the ISO currency code
- Decimals : 2
- Max: "999999999"
- Min: "0"
- Step: "1"
- Style: 'decimal' // decimal, currency,percent,unit
- BoundColumn: 2 // The value is atached to column
- ColumnCount: 2 // Total column numbers in a comboBox
- ColumnWidths: '80%','20%' // width each column
- MultiSelect: true, // Can multiple select
- List: [], // List array result when MultiSelect=true
- Row: 0
- RowSourceType: 1 // How to fill the comboBox :
3-Query SQL Server
- RowSourceType: 1
- ColumnCount = 2
- RowSource:"House,H,Building,B,Departament,D"
#### example local SQL :
- RowSourceType : 2
- RowSource : 'table.cod_nom,nom_nom'
Notes : You already have a local table SQL
#### example SQL Server :
- RowSourceType : 3
- RowSource : 'select cod_nom,nom_nom from lla1_nom order by nom_nom'
- RowSourceType: 5
- ColumnCount = 2
- RowSource:[["Datos", "Tablas", "Indices", "Vistas", "Menú del sistema","Otros"],["D", "T", "I", "V", "M","O"]]
### Others
- Style = 2; //0=DropDown Combo 2=DropDown List
- Tag: ""
- display: "inline-block"
- flexGrow: "0" /* do not grow - initial value: 0 */
- flexShrink: "0" /* do not shrink - initial value: 1 */
- flexBasis: "auto" /* width/height - initial value: auto */
- flexWrap: "wrap"
- background: "white"
- color: "#b94295"
- width: "auto"
- maxWidth: "auto"
- minWidth: "auto"
- height: "auto"
- fontSize: "13px"
- fontFamily: "Arial"
- zIndex: 100 // tabIndex
- alignContent: "center"
- textAlign: "left"
....... serveral .
Grid (componet container). This component is for table data base capture
A grid have a several columns where each column is a input or label component where each component if bind to a SQL table field .
For a complete example, take a look in views directory. Each directory is a Vue View Page. Check come9101. This is the SQL database maintennce dicctionary, you can add tables with fields, index and SQL views for manipulate data access.
This have a 2 principal files, a view VUE (Main.vue) and typescript program (ThisForm.ts) ThisForm.tx is the begin typesccript program where is a component definition .
Each component has a separate typescript file.
select ([area]).
useNodata ([table], [alias]).
use ([table],[memoryObject],[alias] ).
[alias] type : string .Local SQL table alias.
[table] type : string .SQL Server remote view name.
[memoryObject] type : Object. It have field and value field SQL table example : m={ code_id : '000021', PurchaseDate : '01012022' }.
[updateType] : type: number . Value = 0 Only row witch posisioned. Value = 1 All table rows until update error. if error, return a false else return true. Value= 2 All table rows.
[force]: type : boolean . Value =false If a update table fail because other user change data first, return false. Value =true If a update table fail because other user change data first.
[key_pri]: type: number. Table key_pri(id) number in SQLServer.
[recno] : type: number .Local SQL id recno number.
[SqlUpdate] type: boolean . Value=true. Delete SQLServer. Value=false. Only local SQL .
[sqlQuery] type: string. Sql Server query to execute.
[resultType] type : string.
[row] type: number. Recno row id to go.
[rowNumbers] type: number Row number. Forward it is Positive and backward it is negative.
[type] type: string . Value='MEMVAR'. Return a object with all field values). Value= 'FIELDS',). Return a object with specific field values).
[fieldArray] type: array. Array with specific field to obtain values.
Vue 3 SFC
Nuxt 3
Back End
SQL Server ( Postgres or MSSQL soon )
- Object class programing.
- TypeScript.
- Some basic css styles and propierties.
- Ansi 99 SQL instructions.
- To use this Framework, you have to restore a initial SQL backup .
- If you are a VFP programer, clipper, dbase III or IV, this is the right option for programing in the web.
- If you have a question, let me now by mail or skype
- I can help you if you want to use this framwork.
- I use linux (ubuntu 21.04) to make this project.
Author :
Fer Blocks (Principal desing,programinig and project director) . Linkedin .
Lupita Sotelo (Reports and SQL desing) .
Raul Castro (html and css desing) .
- skype & e-mail :
Development: $ npx nuxi dev --port=3000 $ npm run dev
Old with vite (vue ui old) (npx vite --port=38000 old)