Programmer's Cookbook

This is literally a cookbook for programmers or other humans who prefer activity diagrams over textbook instructions.

Recipes are collected from anywhere and translated from the native language to English or other languages.

Unless otherwise noted, recipes are licensed CC0/public domain.

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Recipe overview

Each recipe is written in PlantUML as activity diagram. There must be a note at the start stating the Name & Description of the recipe (localized), a CHANGELOG with all versions (english) and ingredients and baking/cooking duration of the recipe (english)

Versions are vMAJOR.MINOR. Every tested recipe starts at v1.0, minor changes to ingredients or durations increase the minor version. Adding or removing steps increase the major version.

Units are metric. Teaspoons (tsp.) and Tablespoons (tbsp.) are equal to US ones. If an ingredient is used multiple times on different steps, each amount should be specified and a total sum at the end.

Recipes are named <english>-<lang>.puml, where lang is an IETF language tag.

The steps of a recipe are represented as UML activity diagram with forks representing parallel actions.

Layout of a file:

@startuml <recipe>-<lang>
floating note
	**Localized Name**
	Localized Description
	Initial version
	Total Ingredients for **n Units**:
	Ingredient 1	150g
	Ingredient 2	100g

	10~20 minutes preparation
	10 minutes cooking
end note

:Activity diagram;


This is a translation table which might not be fully accurate but should help users translate recipes from/to other languages.

It is best to lookup ingredients from the original language if unsure about ingredients, even in translated recipes.


Mehl Flour
Zucker Sugar
Milch Milk
Salz Salt
Ei Egg
Eier Eggs
Butter Butter
Vanillezucker Vanilla (or Vanillin) sugar
Puderzucker Powdered sugar
Backpulver Baking powder
Sahne Cream
Schlagsahne Whipped cream or just cream to whip
Saure Sahne Sour Cream
Zimt Cinnamon
Teig Dough
Banane Banana
Himbeere Raspberry
Erdbeere Strawberry
Zitrone Lemon
Streusel Crumbs/Crumble


Schmelzen/geschmolzen melt/molten
verrühren/vermischen/verkneten mix
erwärmen heat
kühlen cool
Backofen oven
Backofen vorheizen preheat oven
backen bake
kochen cook
Pfanne pan
Topf Pot