
CTFE compatible D port (using GC) of the earcut polygon triangulation library.

Primary LanguageD


Port of earcut-d that is available at CTFE, simply by using the GC and classes instead of malloc and pointers.

D port (betterC) of the earcut polygon triangulation library.

  • ported from C++ port of a javascript library :D.

Quick example:

import earcut_ctfe;
import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;

alias Point = Tuple!(int, int);

static immutable Point[4][3] polygon = [
    [Point(0, 0), Point(0, 200), Point(400, 200), Point(400, 0)], // boundary coords
    [Point(50, 50), Point(50, 150), Point(150, 150), Point(150, 50)], // hole 1
    [Point(250, 50), Point(250, 150), Point(300, 150), Point(300, 50)] // hole 2 ...

static immutable earcut = {
    Earcut!(size_t, Point[4][3]) earcut;
    return earcut;

void main()
    // earcut.indices is of size_t[] (no runtime allocations at all if it's run at CTFE)
    foreach (ref elem; earcut.indices)