- 5
- 1
Deploy COEP / COOP headers on
#463 opened by camillobruni - 0
Use COOP/COEP headers to allow high-precisions timers in local dev server
#462 opened by camillobruni - 0
Selenium tests time out frequently
#460 opened by flashdesignory - 3
- 0
Refine NewsSite workload test step scenarios
#455 opened by lingyuncai - 3
News Site uses the same image in different sizes to instead of different images
#425 opened by bgrins - 0
Speedometer doesn't capture all React work
#441 opened by flashdesignory - 1
- 0
- 3
- 0
Cannot use github pages on forks
#424 opened by sagudev - 9
With privacy.resistFingerprinting set to true in Firefox, Speedometer shows the result Infinity
#399 opened by julienw - 0
#412 opened by JDmitrijs7 - 1
- 3
Arithmetic mean is displayed in the detailed results instead of geometric mean
#407 opened by guillaumenibert - 2
Possibility to test in a top window?
#403 opened by muodov - 1
Change the score scale from 140 to 100?
#401 opened by vprelovac - 0
- 3
- 8
Make clear that Speedometer v3 is a cross-browser effort on
#379 opened by camillobruni - 1
:has selector breaks speedometer in older browsers
#394 opened by mstange - 3
Network speed difference shouldn't affect score
#329 opened by rniwa - 3
- 1
Many links to files in are broken
#378 opened by rniwa - 1
Create 3.0 branch
#383 opened by camillobruni - 0
Hidden dropdown menus on TodoMVC: React Complex DOM would be drawn under page content if visible
#362 opened by mattwoodrow - 2
Add general run instructions
#352 opened by camillobruni - 11
Codemirror: platform-custom code in editor
#347 opened by camillobruni - 2
- 2
Make sure all sources are formatted and generated bundles are up to date before release
#346 opened by camillobruni - 3
Workloads sourcemaps inconsistent
#331 opened by flashdesignory - 9
Use real id attribute instead of data-id?
#341 opened by rniwa - 1
Remove the PageElement wrapper
#369 opened by julienw - 6
Change the prettier printWidth option back to the default, or something smaller
#370 opened by julienw - 0
- 6
- 1
- 2
CVE-2023-26159 in follow-redirects 1.15.2
#351 opened by issackjohn - 0
Complex vs. non-complex DOM subtests order
#340 opened by rniwa - 1
- 7
Using display: none instead of visibility: hidden to hide elements in the complex DOM UI.
#316 opened by lpardosixtosMs - 3
Add option to report scores to an endpoint
#317 opened by hotsphink - 2
- 5
Potentially unused branches
#320 opened by camillobruni - 2
Idle time in tests
#328 opened by mram0509 - 4
TodoItem component in TodoMVC-WebComponents uses "title" and "id" property names which conflict with built-in properties
#313 opened by mstange - 8
- 2
Speedometer repository cannot be cloned cleanly in a case insensitive filesystem
#304 opened by rniwa - 1