
Symfony UX datable proposal

Primary LanguagePHP

Symfony UX DataTable

Hey thanks to be here, this repo is to show you a small POC for a new dataTable Symfony UX component. So feel free to open a PR or an issue to improve or tell me what you think about it.


requirements: make sure to have php8 installed locally

  • clone the project
  • composer install
  • yarn install
  • docker-compose up (this is just for the db)
  • symfony console doctrine:migration:migrate
  • symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load

Here we are in the / you should see a beautiful table!

How does it's work

In your controller:

 $table = $this->dataTableBuilder
            ->setColumns(['id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'age'])

 return $this->render('index.html.twig', [
        'table' => $table,

In your template:

{{ dataTable(table) }}

And just like that, you have a working table with pagination filled by users from your Database.

But you can do even simpler and create this table directly into your template

  {{ component('dataTable', {column: [...], data: [...]})

#What's next

This is just a small POC but there are a lot of cool features to add:

  • Dynamic Column
  • Caching Pagination Page
  • Event on the front and on the back
  • options to add class on the table tr td... And more...

PS: if there are no tests it's because I am still in the reflection step