
KERI Community Development Efforts Meetings Discussion

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

KERI Community


We have a community Discord server and we'd love to see you there! https://discord.gg/YEyTH5TfuB

Associated Specifications

The table below lists all current deliverables of the KERI Community in the Trust over IP (ToIP) organization:

Acronym Full Name of Deliverable Link to Deliverable Lead Authors Status / Notes
KERI Key Event Receipt Infrastructure https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-keri-specification Samuel Smith ToIP Draft
ACDC Authentic Chained Data Containers https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-acdc-specification Samuel Smith ToIP Draft
CESR Composable Event Streaming Representation https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-cesr-specification Samuel Smith ToIP Draft

Previous Work

The work at DIF has been archived and any perceived IPR issues resolved. https://github.com/decentralized-identity/keri

IETF draft specifications

For a time the KERI specifications were IETF draft specifications subsequent to the DIF work. The following links reference the IETF draft specifications.

https://weboftrust.github.io/ietf-keri/draft-ssmith-keri.html https://weboftrust.github.io/ietf-acdc/draft-ssmith-acdc.html https://weboftrust.github.io/ietf-cesr/draft-ssmith-cesr.html


The specifications are governed by the Technical Stack Working Group charter at ToIP.


Implementors call

We meet alternating Tuesdays (off week for specification call) at 10 a.m. EDT (or EST). The Zoom link is here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81679782107?pwd=cTFxbEtKQVVXSzNGTjNiUG9xVWdSdz09 Meeting ID: 816 7978 2107 Passcode: 379242

Specification call

We meet alternating Tuesdays at 10 a.m EDT (or EST) as part of the ACDC/KERI Task Force under the Technology Stack Working Group at the Trust over IP Foundation:

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUrcOCvpjkrGtMfRtTcLyp3nxnR2_7XMbgW/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGpqDwjHdyXsRmARpwcBI_CXe3xiHpcjbdwmi3xNyN_exOlOPpMAOBAR-D9

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81679782107?pwd=cTFxbEtKQVVXSzNGTjNiUG9xVWdSdz09


Community members have an education/documentation effort in progress here edu'. The repo for the Web of Trust terminology and glossaries is here.

Technical meetings on KERISSE take place twice a week. Drop us a line if you're considering participation by creating an issue here. The repo for the Web of Trust terminology and glossaries is here.

Existing Implementations

The reference implementation for KERI is the KERIpy (Python) implementation. This is hosted here by the WebOfTrust project. The KERIpy implementation is Apache-2.0 licensed as are all repositories in the WebOfTrust project.

See the below table for where the reference implementation, and others, are located.

Component Name Language License Creators / Maintainers Status Recent Version Spec Compliance
KERI core & CESR keripy Python Apache 2.0 WebOfTrust community Stable Release, Maintained 1.1.17 KERI, ACDC, CESR 1.0, 2.0 100%
Agent Infrastructure keria Python Apache 2.0 WebOfTrust community Early Release, Maintained 0.1.3 N/A - no KERIA spec
Edge Agent Library signify-ts Typescript Apache 2.0 WebOfTrust community Early Release, Maintained 0.1.0 N/A - no Signify spec
Edge Agent Library signify-py Python Apache 2.0 WebOfTrust community Early Release, Maintained 0.2.1 N/A - no Signify spec
CESR Library cesride Rust Apache 2.0 WebOfTrust community Release; inactive 0.6.4 CESR 1.0 90%
Trust Spanning Protocol tsp Rust Apache 2.0 Wenjing Chu (ToIP), OpenWallet Prototype N/A ?
KERI core keriox Rust EUPL 1.2 Human Colossus Foundation Release + Active development 0.11.0 KERI, ACDC 1.0 95%+
CESR Library cesrox Rust EUPL 1.2 Human Colossus Foundation Some development 0.1.4 CESR 1.0 100%, CESR 2.0 ?
CESR simple-cesr Typescript Apache 2.0 Future Forge Release + Active development 0.2.3 CESR 1.0 ?
KERI core kerigo Go Apache 2.0 DIF community members Little development N/A KERI, ACDC, CESR ?

We also encourage the implementation of KERI in other languages. We are happy to host other implementations here in the WebOfTrust project as long as they are Apache-2.0 licensed.