
The database could not be initialized successfully

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm a green hand for PostgreSql..
When i Run WebVella.Erp.ConsoleApp To create necessary structure and data.
But it aways Tips: Unhandled exception. System.Exception: System error 10060. Entity: user. Field: created_on Message:User have no permissions to manipulate erp meta.

My PostgreSQL Version is 13..

Config.json for this

"Settings": {
"ConnectionString": "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Username=postgres;Password=test;Database=erp3_base;Pooling=true;MinPoolSize=1;MaxPoolSize=100;CommandTimeout=120;",
"EncryptionKey": "BC93B776A42877CFEE808823BA8B37C83B6B0AD23198AC3AF2B5A54DCB647658",
"Lang": "en",
"Locale": "en-US",
"TimeZoneName": "FLE Standard Time",
"CacheKey": "", //if empty current date will be used
"DevelopmentMode": "true",
"EnableBackgroungJobs": "false",
"EnableFileSystemStorage": "false",
"FileSystemStorageFolder": "\\\Share\webvella-erp-files",
"EmailEnabled": false,
"EmailSMTPServerName": "",
"EmailSMTPPort": "25",
"EmailSMTPUsername": "",
"EmailSMTPPassword": "",
"EmailFrom": "",
"EmailTo": "",
"AppName": "WebVella Next",
"NavLogoUrl": "",
"SystemMasterBackgroundImageUrl": ""

Can you instruct me how to configure the PostgreSQL13 database ,Thank You Very Much!!!

thanks for submitting the issue. I will take a look soon and try yo simulate the error.