
WIP: Implementation of the Storj protocol for PHP | In heavy development

Primary LanguagePHP

Storj PHP Package | In heavy development

Implementation of the Storj protocol for PHP


This piece of software is provided without warranty of any kind, use it at your own risk.


  • Create users
  • Basic authentication
  • Generate ecdsa and add them
  • List and delete ecdsa keys
  • List and create buckets
  • Ecdsa authentication
  • File upload
  • File download


php 5.6.0 or newer.

php-gmp needs to be installed.



Best way is to use composer

  //since its still in development add it to your composer.json
  "require": {
    "webweave/storj-php": "dev-master"

Basic Code examples

Create a new user


use WebWeave\StorjPHP\BridgeClient;

// Create client for interacting with API
$client = new BridgeClient('https://api.storj.io');
// Create user
$client->createUser($email, $password);

Add a new ecdsa public key to a account


use WebWeave\StorjPHP\BridgeClient;
use WebWeave\StorjPHP\KeyPair;

// Create client for interacting with API
$client = new BridgeClient('https://api.storj.io');
// Login
$client->setBasicAuth($email, $password);

// Generate a new keypair
$keyPair = new KeyPair();

// Add it to the account

Add a new bucket, and list all buckets


use WebWeave\StorjPHP\BridgeClient;

// Create client for interacting with API
$client = new BridgeClient('https://api.storj.io');
// Login
$client->setBasicAuth($email, $password);

$bucketInfo = array('name' => 'bucket_name');

// Add a new bucket

// Get all buckets
$buckets = $client->getBuckets();

//List all buckets
foreach($buckets as $bucket) {
    echo $bucket->name . PHP_EOL;
    echo $bucket->status . PHP_EOL;