
Qr-Code-Generator Generates QrCode For the Given Input with Qrgenerator API Made with Love ❤️ By Isaac

Primary LanguageCSS


Basically the Qr Code Generator Web Applicaton takes in input of any given text or Url and Converts into the QR Code Format

##Pure JavaScript and Simple CSS Side Project

##This Project is OpenSource SO Feel Free to Contribute

Website Deployment : https://qr-code-generator-free.netlify.app/

github pages Deployment : https://webdeveloperisaac.github.io/Qr-Code-Generator/

Initial UI

After Load:

##It Uses the QR-Generator-API and Feeds in the Image Asyncronously Link : https://www.qr-code-generator.com

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Always Open to Connect : https://webdevisaac.com