
Implementation of a buffer pool based database system.

Primary LanguageC++


Implementation of a buffer pool based database system. The development of the system was carried out over the duration of one year as part of a university project at the Chair of Applied Computer Science III, University of Mannheim.

Table of Contents


There are several tools you will need to install and execute the application. In the following is a list with all required tools and technologies required for installing and running the system:

  • UNIX-like operating system: All development and testing was carried out on UNIX-like operating systems. As various UNIX system calls are used throughout the program, the system will not run under Windows.
  • GNU Make: As development and testing was carried out on UNIX-like operating systems, the de-facto standard build and install system GNU Make is used.
  • C++17 compatible compiler: As C++17 features are frequently used and all tests were carried out with GCC 7.3.0, we recommend to use this compiler or a never version
  • Intel Processor: As we use various Intel intrinsics, the system is currently only able to run on Intel processors
  • Little Endian Architecture

Project Structure


Implementation of the buffer pool.
For further informations, take a look at src/buffer/README.md


Implementation of a command line interface. By executing queries via the command line interface, the system can be controlled.
For further informations, take a look at src/cli/README.md


Various helper files and functionalities.
For further informations, take a look at src/infra/README.md


Implementation of various low level page interpreter working on the bits and bytes of pages.
For further informations, take a look at src/interpreter/README.md


Implementation of the database instance manager and main-method.
For further informations, take a look at src/main/README.md


Implementation of raw partitions (partitions for raw/block devices), file partitions (working on files in the file system) and the partition manager (managing all partitions).
For further informations, take a look at src/partition/README.md


Implementation of free space management segments (segments with a free space management of pages) and segments for the N-ary storage model (NSM).
For further informations, take a look at src/segment/README.md


Implementation of the threadpool.
For further informations, take a look at src/threading/README.md

Getting Started

The build and installation process will be described in the following. Follow the Quick Start Guide for a fast installation and get the system running.

Quick Start Guide

  • Make sure all the Requirements are satisfied

  • Clone the source with git :

git clone https://github.com/WeberNick/masterDB.git
  • Build and install:
cd masterDB/src
  • Run
  • Getting Help
./main/main --help

Project Status

Already implemented

  • Partition Manager: Maintains all the different partitions of the database system
    • File Partitions: Using files managed by the filesystem
    • Raw Partitions: Using a raw device without any filesystem on it
  • Segment Manager: Maintains all the different segments in the database system
    • Free Space Management (FSM) Segments: Segments with a free space management of their pages
    • Slotted Pages (SP) Segments: Segments with slotted pages
  • Buffer Manager: Maintains the buffer pool of the system. On memory pressure, a random eviction policy is applied
  • Threading: The system is multi threaded using a thread pool
  • Interpreter: Various interpreter are implemented to work with different page layouts
  • Tracing: Tracing can be activated by setting a command line argument
  • Command Line Interpreter: The system is controlled via a command line interface


  • Implement higher level functionalities such as a query execution engine
  • Implement a lock manager and transaction manager
  • Implement index structures
  • ...