
Vagrant setup for SilverStripe CMS

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Vagrant setup for SilverStripe CMS. All-in-one vagrant setup with sspak, composer, gulp, sake, apache, mysql in it.

Project structure

   Project root
   /         \
config.json    public
          	    Silverstripe files


clone vagrant to public folder

cd public && git clone git@github.com:Webmaxsk/silverstripe-vagrant.git vagrant && rm -rf vagrant/.git

add config.json to Project root

  • you can find sample in public/vagrant/config.json.sample
  • set your static IP, theme path (if using gulp), provider (virtualbox or lxc), db

initialize vagrant

cd public/vagrant && vagrant up

OPTIONAL: if using non-default vagrant provider add provider to the end

cd public/vagrant && vagrant up --provider="lxc"

OPTIONAL: install quick vagrant execution script

Global script allowing execution of commands in vagrant guest from host (you must be in public or public/vagrant folder)

cp -f public/vagrant/vrun /usr/local/bin/vrun


vrun top

NOTICE: all examples bellow will use this vrun script. Alternative to this script is:

cd public/vagrant
vagrant ssh

and executing script directly from vagrant shell.

Installing custom php version:

  • Edit custom-php.sh install script in line:
  • yum-config-manager --enable remi-php56
  • this will install php 5.6 (use 55, 70 as different versions)
  • Enable custom-php.sh in Vagrantfile

Downgrade php version - see instructions in custom-php.sh

Post installation setup

You can edit httpd.conf according to your needs. Restart apache after change:

vrun sudo service httpd restart

Install node modules (for gulp theme)

vrun mygulp install


As our paths in vagrant guest are known and do not change in different projects, we can use extended versions of scripts with "my" prefix


run any sspak command or use custom actions like save-local or load-to-local

vrun mysspak save-local test.sspak

will save test.sspak package to Project root

vrun mysspak load-to-local test.sspak

will load test.sspak stored in Project root. After execution, test.sspak will be renamed to test.sspak.used

If server_prod and/or server_test defined in config.json, you can use extra tasks: load-to-test, load-to-prod, save-test and save-prod

Warning: be carefull while loading to production server! Backup before you process. You will be asked for confirmation.


run any sake command quickly.

vrun mysake anything


run any composer command quickly

vrun mycomposer anything

gulp (if available)

run any gulp command quickly or install theme dependencies

vrun mygulp anything
vrun mygulp install

compass (if available)

run compass tasks or install theme dependencies

vrun mycompass anything
vrun mycompass install


add to mysite/_config.php

if (file_exists("/vagrant/config.json")) {
    SS_Log::add_writer(new SS_LogFileWriter(BASE_PATH . '/../sslogs/ss-errors.log'), SS_Log::WARN, '<=');
    SS_Log::add_writer(new SS_LogFileWriter(BASE_PATH . '/../sslogs/ss-debug.log'), SS_Log::NOTICE, '>=');

Save vagrant guest for later usage / vagrant backup

After you finish your project, I do recommend to create ready to use vagrant package for later use.

cd public/vagrant
vagrant package --output ../../test.box

will save test.box to Project root. After, you can safely destroy existing vagrant ("vrun vagrant destroy") and archive whole Project. Once you need to run this project again, just unarchive project and change config.json in row "box" with "test.box" and run "vrun vagrant up"

NOTICE: "vrun vagrant anything" is not executed on vagrant guest, but in host (shortcut - you don't need to go to public/vagrant folder).


xdebug, https