
For our first task in IOT path for summer training with Smart Methods we turn on ESP32 light with auduino IDE to Know more check READ.Me fie


These are the steps I followed too turn on the ESP32 light

first thing you need to do if this is your first time is searching for Arduino IDE in google browser and download the last version or the privous on that is computable with your PC OS



after installing the Arduino IDE, you have to launch to edit some settings and start working


from the menue bar choose file>> then preference


add the following link as it shown in the image and press ok


Go back to the menue bar and select Tools>> then select Boards>> press on Boards Manager to open the window from that window search for ESP32 and installed the last version



Go back again to the menue bar and select Tools bar>> Boards>> ESP32 Arduino>> WEMOS D1 MINI as it shown at the next image


now connect the ESP32 board to your PC and go back to tools bar to select port then select the right port as it shown at the nect image


if your port can not identify the board as it happened with me download this file ActiveUSBCOM_2204_E.zip extrach the zip file and install the application


Now to turn on the light in ESP32 wadsom we can the blink algorithm from the file bar>> example>> Basics>> Blink



to run the algorithm press n upload button at the top of the screen

Screenshot (616)

Now you can see the blue light is turned on


if you want to make some changes with speed of the blink you can chang the highlight code is it shown at the image

Screenshot (618)