
This is the third assignment for BIOL390: Reproducible Research in the summer of 2020.

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This is the fourth assignment for BIOL390: Reproducible Research in the summer of 2020. The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the using markdown to style text and R output in a literate programming approach to data analysis.

  1. You will make a personal copy of this project by forking the repo.
  2. You should then clone the forked repo on your remote to your local machine.
  3. From there, you will create a file - Assigment-04.Rmd
  4. Following the instructions provided, you will author a complete analysis of the data.
  5. Make at least two commits of your different changes using git.
  6. Push each of your commits up to your remote on GitHub.
  7. Knit your final document and submit Assigment-04.html to Canvas.
  8. Finally, create a pull request to submit your altered fork to me.

If you can do all that, you ought to be able to completely format your final project file to perfection when the time comes.