My personal seed for ES6 projects, using SystemJS, Traceur, Web Components (and webcomponent.js as a polyfill) and finally Karma and Jasmine as test runners.
There are no global dependencies, so installation can be done using:
$ npm install
Build the project and start a livereload server using:
$ npm start
Running all unit tests:
$ npm test
This thing is just a pet project, thus far from production-ready. Issues that should be addressed include (but probably arent going to be limited to 😭):
- karma-phantomjs-launcher doesnt play nice with karma-systemjs
- I manually copy traceur and systemjs from bower_components to a vendor directory in the build folder. There should be a better way (wiredep).
- webcomponents.js is not loaded via SystemJS, but via a script tag in the html. Which is ugly.