
Small NPM package with some helpful utilities

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple utilities for your JavaScript/Typescript project!

Installation: npm i @netsu/js-utils

NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@netsu/js-utils

Functions List

Available Functions



Removes all 'undefined' values from an array

removeUndefinedFromArray([1, undefined, 2, undefined, 3]); // [1, 2, 3]


Removes all 'null' from an array

removeNullFromArray([1, null, 2, null, 3]); // [1, 2, 3]


Removes all 'undefined' and 'null' values from an array

removeVoidValuesFromArray([1, null, 2, undefined, 3]); // [1, 2, 3]


Returns TRUE if the first specified array contains all elements from the second one. FALSE otherwise.

arrayContainsArray([1, 2, 3], [1, 2]); // true
arrayContainsArray([1, 3], [1, 2]); // false


Check if an array has duplicate values.

arrayHasDuplicates(["Hello", "World", "Hello"]); // true
arrayHasDuplicates(["Hello", "World", "!"]); // false


Removes duplicate values from array.

removeDuplicatesFromArray([1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4]); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
removeDuplicatesFromArray(["my", "my", "you"]); // ["my", "you"]



Convert the first letter of a piece of text to uppercase

capitalizeFirstLetter("mike is cool"); // Mike is cool


Limits a piece of text, if the text is longer than the limit, then the text will end with '...' after the limited amount of characters has been reached. Default limit is 50 characters.

NOTE: This will trim the text of useless white space!

// Hello world
limitText("Hello world");
// Hello...
limitText("Hello world", 5);
// Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicin...
limitText("Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.");


Remove the spaces in a given string

removeSpacesFromStr("I am cool"); // Iamcool


Calculates how similar 2 strings are to each other.

calculateStringSimilarity("mike", "mike"); // 1 (100% similar)
calculateStringSimilarity("jackie chan", "jackie chon"); // 0.9090
calculateStringSimilarity("jakeiscool", "jakecool"); // 0.8
calculateStringSimilarity("mark", "nicole"); // 0


Changes all links in a text to an anchor tag.

// Cannot be manually closed. Click this: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/stevesteacher" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/stevesteacher</a> and <a href="https://www.youtube.com" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com</a>
	"Cannot be manually closed. Click this: https://www.youtube.com/stevesteacher and https://www.youtube.com"


Search for text in string, this will ignore casing.

regexStringSearch("cool", "I am cool"); // true
regexStringSearch("cool", "I am drool", "ig"); // true
regexStringSearch("cool", "yup"); // false


Search for text in string, this will ignore casing. Will be true if at least one of the searches returned true.

regexStringListSearch("cool", ["I am cool"]); // true
regexStringListSearch("cool", ["I am drool", "you are cool"], "ig"); // true
regexStringListSearch("cool", ["yup", "nothing"]); // false



This will check if the value passed in is a valid number, mainly useful on strings.

Note: Infinity and -Infinity will be marked as NOT valid numbers

isValidNumber(20); // true
isValidNumber("20.3"); // true
isValidNumber("lol"); // false


Checks if string is empty, if it is, returns true. It will also check if passed in value is of type "string".

checkStrEmpty("  "); // true
checkStrEmpty("lol"); // false
checkStrEmpty(23); // true because not a string



Format JS date to date value that calendar inputs can use (YYYY-MM-DD)

formatToCalendarDate(new Date()); // 2023-04-28


Format JS date to date and time that people can easily understand (defaults to D MMM YYYY HH:mm)

formatToHumanDate(new Date()) // 28 Apr 2023 10:18
formatToHumanDate(new Date(), "D-MM-YY hh:mm") // 28-04-23 10:18


Converts number of minutes to time format (hh:mm)

formatMin(100); // 01:40
formatMin(120); // 02:00
formatMin(9999); // 66:39


Converts number of seconds to time format (hh:mm:ss)

formatSec(100); // 00:01:40
formatSec(600); // 00:10:00
formatSec(9999); // 02:46:39


Format timestamp (HH:MM) into minutes.

formatTimestamp("1:00"); // 60
formatTimestamp("10:52"); // 652
formatTimestamp("2:22"); // 142


Format amount to currency format

formatMoneyStr(560); // 560.00 ZAR
formatMoneyStr(560, "USD"); // 560.00 USD
formatMoneyStr(560, "USD", false); // 560.00


This will format the amount to the currency code passed in

currencyFormatter(420.69); // R 420,69
currencyFormatter(420.69, "USD"); // US$420,69


Not functions, but useful constants


Check if value is a digit

digitRegex.test("23"); // true
digitRegex.test("23.4"); // true
digitRegex.test("nope"); // false


Check if email is valid

emailRegex.test("mike"); // false
emailRegex.test("mike@gmail.com"); // true
emailRegex.test("mike09+cool@gmail.com"); // true
emailRegex.test("mike09+cool@gmail"); // false
emailRegex.test("mike09+cool.com"); // false


Regex that can find links in a string

emailRegex.test("https://www.youtube.com/stevesteacher"); // true
emailRegex.test("mike@gmail.com"); // false


These are functions that either does not fit in one of the specified categories, or now does, but would break programs if moved elsewhere.


Will generate a url with the given query parameters.

Note that if the value in data is undefined or null the parameter will be ignored.

urlQueryBuilder("http://test.com/wow", {
	cool: true,
	name: "jack",
}); // http://test.com/wow?cool=true&name=jack


Search for text in string, this will ignore casing. Will be true if at least one of the searches returned true.

NOTE: this uses .include() to search, so will only work on individual words and not text in words. Use regexStringSearch() or regexStringListSearch() instead if you want a more powerful search

includeSearch("cool", "I am cool"); // true
includeSearch("cool", "I am drool", "you are cool"); // true
includeSearch("cool", "yup", "nothing"); // false

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