
A java client for using the Weebly Cloud API

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Weebly Cloud API Library: Java



Download and include the following JARs:

Setup and Authentication

API calls are authenticated through a public key and a hash of your request and secret key. You can create and manage your API keys in the settings section of the Weebly Cloud Admin.

import com.weeblycloud.utils.CloudClient;

You must set your public and secret key before making any calls to the API.


Typical use case: create a user and site, get a login link

import com.weeblycloud.*;
import com.weeblycloud.utils.*;


Account account = new Account();
User user = account.createUser("test@domain.com");
HashMap<String, Object> siteProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
siteProperties.put("site_title","My Website");
Site site = user.createSite("domain.com", siteProperties);

Printing the name of all pages in a site matching the query "help"

Site site = new Site(userId, siteId);

HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("query", "help");
CloudList<Page> pages = site.listPages(params);
for (Page page : pages) {


If a request fails, the CloudClient throws a CloudException. A list of error codes can be found in the API documentation. The exception can be caught as folllows:

import com.weeblycloud.*;
import com.weeblycloud.utils.*;


CloudClient client = CloudClient.getClient();

try {
	Account account = new Account();
} catch (CloudException e) {


The library provides classes that represent API resources. These resources can be mutable, meaning their properties can be changed, and deletable. These classes are inside the com.weeblycloud package.

Common methods:

  • The method resource.getProperty(property) will return a given property of the resource. If the property does not exist, it will return null.
  • The method resource.setProperty(property, value) will set the value of a given property of the resource. Changes will not be saved in the database until resource.save() is called. If the resource is not mutable, calling this method will throw an exception. Not every property of a mutable resource can be changed; for more information, reference the Cloud API Documentation for the resource in question's PUT method.
  • The method resource.save() saves the properties changed by setProperty() to the database. If the resource is not mutable, calling this method will throw an exception.
  • The method resource.delete() deletes the resource from the database. If the resource is not deletable, calling this method will throw an exception.

Instantiating Resources

For example, to create an object representing a site with id siteId and owned by userId:

Site site = new com.weeblycloud.Site(userId, siteId);

All resource constructors have two optional parameters, initialize (true by default) and existing. If initialize is set to false, the properties of the object are not retrieved from the database when the object is instantiated. Instead, existing is used to set the object's properties. This can be used to reduce unecessary API calls when chaining calls.

For example, to retrieve all the sites of a user without getting that user's information:

CloudList<Site> sites = (new User(userId, false)).listSites();

Iterable Results

Methods beginning with list return a CloudList. Use the next function to iterate through the list. For instance:

CloudList<Site> sites = (new User(userId)).listSites();
for (Site site : sites) {

This would list the titles of all sites belonging to a given user.

##Resource Types

In addition to this readme, each resource class has javadoc documentation for public methods.


API Documentation

A mutable representation of your Cloud Admin account, specified by your API keys. To construct:

Account account = new com.weeblycloud.Account();
  • createUser(String email) Creates a new user with the given email.
  • createUser(String email, HashMap<String, Object> data) Creates a new user with the given email and properties.
  • getPlan(String planId) Gets a single Plan by ID.
  • listPlans() Returns a list of available plans.


API Documentation

A respresentation of a blog. To construct:

Blog blog = new com.weeblycloud.Blog(userId, siteId, blogId);
  • createBlogPost(String postBody) Creates a new BlogPost on the blog with the specified post body.
  • createBlogPost(String postBody, HashMap<String,Object> data) Creates a new BlogPost on the blog with the specified post body and other properties specified in data.
  • getBlogPost(String postId) Get the post with the specified ID.
  • listBlogPosts() Returns a CloudList of BlogPosts on this Blog.


API Documentation

A mutable and deletable respresentation of a blog post. To construct:

BlogPost blogPost = new com.weeblycloud.BlogPost(userId, siteId, blogId, postId);

There are no BlogPost specific methods.


API Documentation

A respresentation of a form. To construct:

Form form = new com.weeblycloud.Form(userId, siteId, formId);
  • arrayFromJson(String[] ids, JsonElement json) Converts a JSON response into an array of Form objects.
  • getFormEntry(String entryId) Returns the FormEntry with the given ID.
  • listFormEntries() Returns a CloudList of FormEntries on this Form.
  • listFormEntries(HashMap<String,Object> searchParams) Returns a CloudList of FormEntries on this Form.


API Documentation

A respresentation of a form entry. To construct:

Form formEntry = new com.weeblycloud.FormEntry(userId, siteId, formId, entryId);

There are no FormEntry specific methods.


API Documentation

A mutable and deletable respresentation of a group. To construct:

Group group = new com.weeblycloud.Group(userId, siteId, groupId);


API Documentation

A mutable respresentation of a page. To construct:

Page page = new com.weeblycloud.Page(userId, siteId, pageId);

There are no Page specific methods.


API Documentation

A respresentation of a plan. To construct:

Plan plan = new com.weeblycloud.Plan(planId);

There are no Plan specific methods.


API Documentation

A mutable and deletable respresentation of a member. To construct:

Member member = new com.weeblycloud.Member(userId, siteId, memberId);


API Documentation

A mutable and deletable respresentation of a site. To construct:

To construct:

Site site = new com.weeblycloud.Site(userId, siteId);
  • createGroup(String name) Creates a new Group on the site with the specified name.
  • createMember(HashMap<String,Object> data) Creates a new Member on the site with the specified data.
  • disable() Disables a site, preventing the user from accessing it through the editor.
  • enable() Enables a site, allowing it to be edited.
  • getBlog(String blogId) Returns the Blog with the given ID.
  • getForm(String formId) Returns the Form with the given ID.
  • getGroup(String groupId) Returns the Group with the given ID.
  • getMember(String memberId) Returns the Member with the given ID.
  • getPage(String pageId) Returns the Page with the given ID.
  • getPlan() Gets the Plan assigned to the site.
  • listBlogs() Reurns a CloudList of Blogs belonging to this site.
  • listForms() Returns a CloudList of Forms on this Site.
  • listForms(HashMap<String,Object> searchParams) Returns a CloudList of Forms on this Site.
  • listGroups() Returns a CloudList of Groups on this Site.
  • listGroups(HashMap<String,Object> searchParams) Returns a CloudList of Groups on this Site.
  • listMembers() Returns a CloudList of Members on this Site.
  • listMembers(HashMap<String,Object> searchParams) Returns a CloudList of Members on this Site.
  • listPages() Returns a CloudList of Pages on this Site.
  • listPages(HashMap<String,Object> searchParams) Returns a CloudList of Pages on this Site.
  • loginLink() Generates a one-time login link for the user that automatically redirects them to the site editor for this site.
  • publish() Publishes a site.
  • restore(String domain) Restores a deleted site to the exact state it was in when deleted.
  • setPlan(String planId) Assigns a plan to a site with default term 1.
  • setPlan(String planId, int term) Assigns a plan to a site with the given term.
  • setPublishCredentials(String host, String username, String password, String path) Sets publish credentials for a given site.
  • setTheme(String themeId, boolean isCustom) Assigns a theme to a site by ID.
  • unpublish() Unpublishes a site.


API Documentation

A mutable respresentation of a WeeblyCloud user. To construct:

User user = new com.weeblycloud.User(userId);
  • createCustomTheme(String name, String zipUrl) Adds a custom theme to a user.
  • createSite(String domain) Creates a new Site belonging to this user in the database.
  • createSite(String domain, HashMap<String,Object> data) Creates a new Site belonging to this user in the database.
  • disable() Disables a user account, preventing them from logging in or editing their sites.
  • enable() Enables a user account after an account has been disabled.
  • getAvailableThemes() Returns an array of themes available to this user.
  • getAvailableThemes(HashMap<String,Object> searchParams) Returns an array of themes available to this user.
  • getSite(String siteId) Get the site with the specified ID.
  • listSites() Returns a CloudList of Sites belonging to this user.
  • listSites(HashMap<String,Object> searchParams) Returns a CloudList of Sites belonging to this user.
  • loginLink() Generates a one-time login link.

Making Raw API Calls

Not every resource has a cooresponding resource class. It is possible to make a raw API call using a CloudClient object.

CloudClient client = com.weeblycloud.utils.CloudClient.getClient();

Using that client, call get, post, put, patch, or delete. All client request methods take a url as their first parameter. post, patch, and put take an optional hash map of data that will be sent in the request body. get takes an optional hash map whose values will be used in the query string of the request.

The url must not include a leading slash.

Request examples

Get cloud admin account account
// Get client
CloudClient client = CloudClient.getClient();

// Request the /account endpoint
CloudResponse res = client.get("account");
Update a page title
// Get client
CloudClient client = CloudClient.getClient();

// Build endpoint with IDs
String endpoint = "user/"+userId+"/site/"+siteId+"/page/"+pageId;

// Prepare the data to be sent
HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
data.put("title", "Other New Title");

// Make the request
client.patch(endpoint, data);
Get all sites for a user (with search parameters)
// Get client
CloudClient client = CloudClient.getClient();

// Build endpoint with IDs
String endpoint = "user/"+userId+"/site";

//Prepare the query string parameters
HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("role", "owner");

// Make the request

Handling Responses

All requests return a CloudResponse object or throw an Exception (see error handling). The JSON returned by the request can be accessed through the response's body property.

// Make a request
CloudResponse response = client.get("account");

// Print JSON body of response

###Pagination example If the endpoint supports pagination, the next and previous pages of results can be retrieved with the getPreviousPage() and getNextPage() methods. If there is no next or previous page, those methods return null.

// Create client
CloudClient client = CloudClient.getClient();

//Prepare query string parameters
HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("limit", 10); //Limit the results to ten per page

CloudResponse response = client.get("user/"+userId+"/site",params);

while(response != null){
    System.out.println(response.body + "\n");
    response =  response.nextPage();

Get all of a user's sites, 10 sites per page.


If you have any questions or feature requests pertaining to this library, please open up a new issue. For general API questions, please contact us at dev-support@weebly.com, and we'll be happy to lend a hand!