Poker_Effective_Hand_Strength calculates the hand strength [EHS = HS x (1 - NPOT) + (1 - HS) x PPOT] and hand potential by algorithms from
It extends ... PokerCore.php for calculating the deck combinations and adds the EHS calculations on top. It also uses jQuery for lazy dom selection for the view.
The actual heart is the HandStrength.php, which does all the calculations. The view has only been a fast fix to quickly get the decks into the processor.
I have been testing it with different Poker sites and it certainly gave me an edge in difficult decissions. But also it quickly teaches you a sense of your decks "weight", especially when you are not a Poker Pro.
- Install an Apache, PHP 5 environment. The easiest to start are Windows xampp or Linux tasksel and add LAMP.
- Clone the Repo into your htdocs (xampp) or www/html (LAMP) folder.
- Navigate with your browser to it's location. Expl.: http://localhost/Poker_Effective_Hand_Strength/
- Enjoy!