
This is an Android Challenge for Android Ssr. role interview.

Primary LanguageJava

MoviesChallenge CircleCI

This is an Android Challenge for Android Ssr. role interview.


They've requested for an Android TV shows application Production ready code. Which should display a list of the most popular TV shows on a list with endless scroll (pagination) and a detail screen which displays the TV show's image, it's description and an horizontal list with similar TV shows.


They wanted us to use the TheMovieDB API consuming the popular TV shows endpoint and the similiar TV shows endpoint

Nice to have

  • Nice ui
  • Animations

What did I do?

I already had an MVP library which allowed me to not rewrite all the base architecture. It was a hard decision to add libraries to the project since they're normally looking for simple and concise base code but I decided to show them that I've worked with a few well known libraries. Even when every API call and Image handling could have been easily made using AsyncTask I've included the next libraries:

  • io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.0 For handling Rx subscription on Android's thread
  • com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.4.0 For parsing Json responses
  • com.github.weekendwars:core-mvp:1.0.1 For base MVP architecture which also includes Retrofit and RxJava
  • com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828 For image loading.


I also added CI including the Monits's static code analysis library since it was intended to be an open source project and I wanted to keep a clean code contribution by running Checkstyle, Findbugs, PMD, etc.


There are actually no tests made. I didn't find anything worth to be tested. Some UI testing could've been added but it would've been a walk-through the app instead of real UI Tests since there isn't any weird UI behaviour worth of being tested


App Information

For debug compiled apk we have something like this:

Total methods in app-debug.apk: 37592 (57,36% used)
Total fields in app-debug.apk:  26048 (39,75% used)
Total classes in app-debug.apk:  4865 (7,42% used)
Methods remaining in app-debug.apk: 27943
Fields remaining in app-debug.apk:  39487
Classes remaining in app-debug.apk:  60670

(There're like 15k methods only from Android and Support Library)

Since they've requested Production ready code I've added the apk signin, the release variant and it's proguard configuration ending up with something like this:

Total methods in app-release.apk: 16986 (25,92% used)
Total fields in app-release.apk:  9958 (15,19% used)
Total classes in app-release.apk:  2229 (3,40% used)
Methods remaining in app-release.apk: 48549
Fields remaining in app-release.apk:  55577
Classes remaining in app-release.apk:  63306
