Material-UI feat. Tailwindcss

Building scalable and highly flexible UI with Material-UI + Tailwindcss

This repo is just a brief demo of how to config tailwind to use with material-ui


  "@material-ui/core": "4.11.0",
  "tailwindcss": "1.9.6"

Why Tailwind

Get started

git clone
cd mui-tailwind-demo
yarn install & yarn start

About project setup

  • This project was bootstraped from create-react-app v3
  • yarn start will compile to tailwind.css which is imported in index.js
  • NODE_ENV=production in build script is important to make tailwind purge css (see tailwind.config.js)
  • Recommend to use VSCode with Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension (from Brad Cornes)
  • font family uses Rubik (setup in tailwind.config.js and App.js)