These are the current build patches for Android 4.4 and should generally reflect the current state of the android-4.4_r1-openpdroid branch. I made the switch back to creating patches off of tags with Android 4.3, now the naming reflects that. If a tag comes out that significantly breaks the patches, then a new branch will be created.
The latest commits are not always reflected in the build patches, bleeding-edge development is in the -devel branches. Bleeding edge development is coming slowly these days, no one realizes this more than me. If you think community driven security is a good thing, you are encouraged to contribute.
There are apply
and remove
patch scripts available that I personally use over at my personal github page. A couple of those scripts also create auto-patcher patches, but the apply/remove scripts could be helpful to anyone reading this.
__These build patches should work for most roms. I try and maintain them to apply cleanly to almost all AOSP-derived firmware (CyanogenMod, AOKP, ParanoidAndroid, SlimRom, etc.)
cd ~/android/system/build; git checkout -b openpdroid; patch -p1 < ~/openpdroid_4.3_build.patch
cd ~/android/system/libcore; git checkout -b openpdroid; patch -p1 < ~/openpdroid_4.3_libcore.patch
cd ~/android/system/packages/apps/Mms; git checkout -b openpdroid; patch -p1 < ~/openpdroid_4.3_packages_apps_Mms.patch
cd ~/android/system/frameworks/base; git checkout -b openpdroid; patch -p1 < ~/openpdroid_4.3_frameworks_base.patch
cd ~/android/system/frameworks/opt/telephony; git checkout -b openpdroid; patch -p1 < ~/openpdroid_4.3_frameworks_opt_telephony.patch
cd ~/android/system; . build/; brunch <DEVICE_TARGET>
cd ~/android/system; rm -rf out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/framework_intermediates out/host/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/layoutlib_intermediates out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/telephony-common_intermediates out/target/common/obj/APPS/Mms_intermediates out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/services_intermediates
[OR] cd ~/android; make clobber
and to reset your source tree**
cd ~/android/system/build; git checkout . ; git clean -df
cd ~/android/system/libcore; git checkout . ; git clean -df
cd ~/android/system/frameworks/base; git checkout . ; git clean -df
cd ~/android/system/frameworks/opt/telephony; git checkout . ; git clean -df
cd ~/android/system/packages/apps/Mms; git checkout . ; git clean -df
cd ~/android/system; repo abandon openpdroid
If OpenPDroid intrigues you, yet the thought of applying all these patches gives you pause, there is a tool that can attempt to patch the framework of an already compiled rom called The Auto-Patcher.
OpenPDroid is an open source fork of the PDroid framework, as written by Svyat and expanded by CollegeDev. We are always looking for contributors, come see us on XDA or submit a pull request.